Little Bonus

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Entering her little side garden, Mrs. Aizawa gathered her things and got to work on tending to her plants. She didn't have much, but the few she had were her pride and joy. Checking to make sure they weren't damaged, she reminisced on old memories. Remembering when she and her mother use to garden together. However, her thoughts were interrupted with a sudden cool breeze. Looking up, her eyes grew in surprise at the sight in front of her. On the side of her house, fat, cold droplets of water slipped down it.

"Oh my. The wind must have been strong last night. I guess that's why it got so cold."

The odd thing, however, was how even the underside of the roof was dripping wet.

Back at the dumbasses place, Katsuo was doing his best to hold back Ryo, while Masaru laid face first in his pillow.

"What were you thinking?!" His voice roared, "You could have screwed us over!

"Ryo, I know you're mad, but please...!" Masaru begged, "Killing him isn't going to solve anything! He was drunk!"

"He's always drunk!" Ryo snapped, eyes glowing an electrifying red.

"But his heart was in the right place! He was only looking out for Mizuki!"


"It was out of the goodness of his heart!"

Under the pillow, you could hear Katsuo chime in, "Yeah, no one's laying a finger on our stupid chihuahua...!"

"See? He meant well, really."

Sighing, Ryo was able to calm himself down enough for the other man to let him go.

"I suppose..." he grumbled.

"She'd kill the poor fool if we don't get to 'em first!" He cackled, and at that poor excuse of a joke, Ryo lost it.

Despite Masaru's desperate attempts, Katsuo died that day. The worst part? He was having the worst hangover of his life.

Thank You For Being Her Friend - Shota Aizawa/OCWhere stories live. Discover now