L(ocker 580)

12 0 1

I smile, running down the hall. I finally reach it. Locker 580.

I put the note I wrote during math class through the slot.

You're really beautiful, and when you smile, it makes my day shine.

Love, your secret admirer

I proudly smile to myself as I run off.

~Marcus Reiner's POV~

I walk down the hallway. Stupid detention. It's not my fault that stupid Leo kid had to get in my way. I hate him. With a passion.

I open my locker when something falls out. I pick up the piece of paper, when I   see the writing.

You're really beautiful, and when you smile, it makes my day shine.

Love, your secret admirer

I get hundreds of confessions from girls, and some guys too (ew), and I reject them all. She will be no different.

Letters to locker #580Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt