The Vessel

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"My king, Emperor Rudolf is requesting your audience. He also has his son Prince Albein with him." 

Cornelius smirked at the statement that his friend finally arrived. "Bring him in, my son as well if you can too."

The servant bowed before him and went on his way. "As you wish my king."

Soon, the grand doors opened and Cornelius was pleased with the sight: his dear friend Rudolf was here once again, beside him, his son of 4 years, Albein Alm Rudolf. The boy was standing proud and energetic to where his father had to hold him before he could go run off. The two figures walked up to the throne and stopped before the king.

"It is a pleasure to be in your presence once again King Cornelius." Rudolf spoke in a formal manner.

"Oh please Rudolf. Drop the formalities and call me Cornelius will you? No need for 'King' this- or 'King' that-. It's just us friends!" Cornelius stated in an excited manner. Rudolf couldn't help but smile at how his friend never cared for such things. It was always like this: Rudolf being too serious and Cornelius toning him down immediately.

The servant entered the throne room once again, this time bringing in a small boy of about 5 years, Cornelius's son, Marth. The boys eyes lit up as he saw the head of green hair that he enjoyed being around. He immediately ran towards him, much to the servant's dismay. 


Alm turned to see his young friend and began running to him as well. 


The two met with an embrace from each other, their father's behind them smiling at their reunion.

"Well I see that our sons are most certainly excited." Cornelius stated as he looked to Rudolf who showed a slight smirk. "Well then, I take it that Rudolf has something to discuss with me so why don't you boys head out and enjoy each other?" He looked to the servant standing by. "Watch them will you?"

"Of course my king. I'll notify our kitchen to begin preparing dinner as well." The servant then led the boys out to the larger, emptier areas of the castle, closing the grand doors behind him, leaving only Rudolf and Cornelius to themselves. 

Cornelius broke the silence between them. "It's not usual for you to request an audience for me you know. Something is on your mind that's troubling you." Cornelius stated, noticing something off about the air. "What plagues your mind."

"..." Rudolf looked to his side and then to his friend. "It's about Alm. I fear there may be something going on. There's been signs."

Cornelius stared in confusion and asked, "What do you mean?"

"A few weeks ago, there was a Brand that had appeared on his hand. This would usually be a sign of the end of Valentia and the prophesied heroes coming to rise to end the god Duma's reign. However, if this truly were the case, the Brand would've appeared when he was birthed. So why does the Brand appear now? My scholar Kian, who I've brought along with me, General Massena and I have been discussing this oddity for some time. We speculate that something may happen unlike any prophecy elsewhere. On top of that, the Duma Faithful and their leader Jedah have been noticing Duma with strange behaviors as well. The Faithful receive messages from him about an evil needing to be stopped. And as word has it, the saints in the Temple of Mila also report her exhibiting these same kinds of strange messages about an evil to come. They say that it is something lurking in the depths to the east."

"And so you've come because of the possibility that it may involve my country as well..."

"Not just involve, house. This 'evil' they speak may be more threatening than it may appear to be. I've come here to warn you of what may come because of this. If the gods fear this being, then there's no telling what kind of havoc it can invoke upon not just our countries, but maybe this world."

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