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           I looked up at Tony, a smile spreading across both my face, and his. I rocked this new child, while holding him tightly in my arms. He was warm, like his father. "How's our little bundle of joy?" He whispered, looking down ath the child that was ours.

           "Elias is fine..." I stroked his dark black hair back, so that it wasn't tickling his soft nose. The black hair had come from me. Yes, I had light brown hair, but it used to be jet-black once. I was the reason he had that color hair. "Good... I still can't believe we were actually able to agree on a name." I looked up at him, remembering that he had gotten his deep brown eyes from his father. "Well, we met in the middle."

"True." I passed him over to Tony, who held him closely. I never once thought that I'd ever have a child. Not to mention a half human child. "However, Em. I think it was a good choice... Elias Orin Stark. It has a good ring to it." I agreed with that.

          I stood and headed into the kitchen. It was early morning, and our little angel was ound to wake back up soon. The only problem was that he'd had a nightmare last night. Other than that, he never once woke up in the middle of the night, screaming for something, like a normal, mortal child would do. God, life was so different from what I thought it would be. I used to think that I would be ruler in a cold world, and yet, princess and next in line to the Asgardian throne. But no, life had a change of plans, and that is what brought us here today.

         Ironman; Tony Stark, and Princess; Emi. No person had thought that this is how things would turn out to be. Either way, I was happy, he was happy, and our child was happy. Who'd have thought that a year and four months ago, I was nothing but a selfish child who wanted nothing to do with the man I am so madly in love with now. I shrugged, turning the coffee pot back on. Tony loved this kind of stuff. I don't know why, but he did.

        I looked back at the two people who were in my life forever now. I am Emi, daughter of Laufey, sister of Loki, and wife of Tony. Life was truly going to be interesting. "Crap." He handed Elias back over to me and dashed off to get his suit. "What is it?" I tried to keep my voice low. "Avengers buisiness hon!" He kissed my forehead and was off. Yes, this was truly going to be interesting. But for now, things were going to be slow. I had Elias to take care of, and when he's old enough, he too will join the Avengers as I have.

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