Taegi (TaehyungxYoongi)

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Hi it's been a while since I updated this book. I recently joined this fandom and started shopping some of its ships so I thought I'd talk about my opinions on a few of them.
This one is a no from me. They're both freaking adorable with each other but whatever they do always seems so platonic. People make compilations called like "taegi flirting for ten minutes" but if you watch them they don't really flirt. Yoongi just holds Tae's hand a lot and praises the fuck out of him. With Jimin (I'll talk about this ship later), he's hella protective and he always wants to be close to him and he always gushes about him and it's really cute. When he talks about Tae it seems like he's his little brother or something. When he praises him, he sounds like he's just trying to make his friend feel good about themselves, which he is.

0/10 relationship-wise but 9/10 friendship-wise cause they're hella cute

Also quick A/N but I reread this and my opinions on a couple ships have changed slightly so I might go back and rewrite those parts to fit my current thinking

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