Adoption and Room

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Andromeda's POV

I wake up and smile down at my little girl as I hear Lucifer in the shower. He brought her home yesterday and we'll adopt her today. I already have the perfect room in mind to make her's. Luckily I've been thinking of my future children's rooms for years and already have stores on speed dial to set up the room in a day. So she'll be able to sleep in her new room tonight across from ours.

Lucifer appears in jeans and towel around his neck. "Morning my love" he says and kisses me.

"Morning" I say smiling and look back at our daughter.

"I contacted Maxine, she's on the way with the adoption papers. She'll be officially ours after breakfast. Speaking of breakfast I had Daechir get some human food for Summer" he tells me. Summer stirs in my arms.

"Morning Summer" I say.

"Did you sleep well?" Lucifer asks her. She nods her head. "Are you hungry?" he asks and her stomach growls. We chuckle. "Take that as a yes" he says with a smile. She starts to tear up.

"What's wrong?" I ask her concerned as I run my fingers through her hair.

"I have no family now" she says.

"Yes you do, you have us" Lucifer tells her in a gentle tone.

"We're adopting you, do you know what that means?" I ask her and she shakes her head.

"We're going to become your new legal parents" Lucifer tells her.

"You'll be my papa?" she asks and she nods her head.

"And I'll be your mama" I add.

She smiles brightly hugging me tight. "I have a mama and a papa now" she states. "You won't leave me like, mummy, daddy and Ash" she says.

"We'll never leave you" we assure her. We take her downstairs to see Daechir cooking.

"Morning my king and queen. Future princess, breakfast is ready" he states. Summer clings to Lucifer eyeing Daechir warily. "Maxine will arrive shortly" he adds before leaving. We sit at the table and I start to make calls to the stores. While enjoying my morning cup of blood.

Lucifer's POV

I'm so happy Andromeda agreed to adopting Summer. I finally have an heir and we finally have the child we always wanted. I love hearing Summer call us Mama and Papa. She'll need  familiar though, to watch over her and protect her. Luckily Hela's brother Kovu's familiar had pups a few weeks ago and will be available for adoption in five weeks.

"Papa, I'm done" she says and I smile. Just then Maxine appears. Summer runs and hides behind my legs.

"She won't hurt you my angel" I assure her.

"Maxine, do you have the papers?" Andromeda asks.

"Right here your highness" she says placing them on the table. "All you have to do is sign them and she'll officially be your daughter and heir" she states.

"What are those?" Summer asks me confused.

"The adoption papers, once we sign them. Andromeda and I will be your mama and papa" I tell her. She smiles and makes grabby hands. I pick her up placing her on my hip. Andromeda had read the papers and signed them. I sign my name and the papers disappear.

"Congratulations my king and queen on your new princess" Maxine says with a smile.

"Please have Daechir organize a ball, we'll introduce the new princess officially then" Andromeda tells her.

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