chapter 11

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Once seeing little Olly, Nick headed off to go see Caroline who is more than upset with herself for her behavior towards her little boy. The woman wanted to keep Olly, she loved him with all her heart....but she herself is starting to doubt herself as a parent, well obviously she is a bad one if she was the cause to her little boys broken hopefully Nick will be able to save the bond they had between mummy and little and make them a team again.Caroline thought of everything to do with the situation, what if they couldn't make her be the mum she desired to be, the mum who doesn't hit their child at absolutely everything? Oh god what if Olly got taken away from her? How will she cope with that? The woman soon go knocked out of her day dreaming, staring out of the kitchen window with a cup of tea in her hand by a knock at the door. Putting her tea down she went to go answer the door, only for it to be the man that's going to hopefully change her as a mummy, hopefully being the key word here."Hi, Caroline" the tall man greeted, entering the house when she stepped out of the way. "If you don't mind-" before Nick could get another word out, the woman had already started talking. "I'll do anything, Nick" Caroline interrupted. "Just please help me so I can get my baby back" the woman pleaded, literally up into doing anything to get her little Olly back in her arms.~Half an hour later, after a plate of biscuits and two cups of tea, Caroline was ready to talk about her and Olly's relationship as you had to start somewhere to get where you wanted to be. "It started out okay, at first" she stated sadly. "He was a new baby. Zayn had brought him to me when he was just fourteen. I wanted him to adapt to his role as soon as possible, so I never lost my temper with him"the woman stated truthfully."Did he ever try to run away in the first few weeks he was with you?" Nick asked. "Yes" Caroline replied, putting her drink back down on the table. "And how did you deal with these escape attempts?" Caroline pondered for a moment. "I usually just put more sleeping stuff in his milk. I never punished him. The punishments didn't start until a few months later, actually. They started out with an odd time out or two, which turned into smacking him and I suppose I got used to it" Caroline new she was wrong in hitting him, but you can't change the pass now.Nick wrote this down as himself and Caroline talked, he had to take notes so he could access his next steps with Caroline, whether that be watching her with Olly himself, that or hiring some other female to watch over the mummy and son duo, stepping in when needed.....But first he needed details on what kind of things Olly does to make her feel a so she needs to punish him, why she spanks him and goes so deep into her punishments that she managed to brake her babies arm.Though the answer given may have consequences for Caroline, bad ones."And can you tell me a list of things he does that ticks you off" Nick questioned pen at the ready, hovering over his notepad. "Well, I cant remember everything off of the top of my head, I feel really ashamed to admit it...but.....I more a less punish him for every little move he makes more a less" Caroline fessed up, she might as well tell the truth if she wanted to change to earn her baby boy back in her arms once again, if that is possible.Nick's eyebrows furrowed but he nodded and scribbled down some notes. He didn't like where the conversation was heading because as far as he was concerned, Olly needed to be out of that household and Caroline locked up, but he had to try so it didn't look like he wasn't going to put any effort in. For their sake.Who was he kidding himself? The damage is already done.~"Right, you two. We're heading out to the park to spend some time with baby Harry, Uncle Lou and Uncle Zayn. I don't want any fighting" Jesy warned. "Georgie, come here so mummy can put you in your harness" George however, narrowed his eyes and glared at Olly who is getting put in his own harness by Jaymi. "No harness. 'M a big boy" Jesy sighed. "Right, you can go in your pram instead, little boy"Paying the fact that he is getting treated like a baby, George whined. "No, Mummy! I'll put my harness on!" George tried to change his mummy's mine...but Jesy wasn't deterred and lifted her little boy up, patting his bum to check if he needed a change before setting him in his pushchair. George definitely didn't miss the smirk on Olly's face, making him kick out and sob, but Jesy just pulled the pram away, placing George's dummy in his mouth. Said boy sucked harshly on the item, feeling very moody and jealous.Checking that they had everything including both of the boys nappy bags, Jesy grabbed the push chair as Jaymi got a hold of the harness that he tied onto Olly and set off out of the door, locking up before they headed for the park.~Louis rocked the push chair back and forth as he waited for his friends and their little's to come and meet them, they had said in the text message that they would be there for 1:00PM and it's now 1:30PM. "They should be here by now, what's taking them so long?" Louis wondered out loud as he pulled faces at his restless baby boy. "I have no idea Tommy, after all they do have two little's to look after" Zayn reasoned sticking his tongue out when Harry looked his way. "True that, wait" Louis stated as he spotted familiar figures in the distance. "Is that them now?" Louis asked Zayn, looking for clarification, that he isn't just seeing things. "Yes it is, wave! Harry look who it is, wave!" Zayn cooed turning the pushchair around so the boy could wave, though Zayn got left hanging as the little boy just fussed and threw himself back, pushing against the straps as he just wanted out, sick of the pushchair that he has been stuck in for nearly an hour."Sorry about the wait - looking after two little's is harder than we expected!" Jaymi laughed, the sweat dripping from his forehead. "Understood. We thought something happened so we were gettin' a bit worried" Louis chuckled, unbuckling Harry from the pram. "Right, mister, come to daddy" Harry threw his arms out, his arms catching the wind, he was just so happy to be free! "Lay that picnic blanket on the floor Zee, so mister here can have a roll around" Zayn did as Louis said, all the while Jesy got George out of the pushchair and Jaymi unfastened the harness from Olly's body. "Right you two, go on and play in the park. If there's any fighting though, it'll be straight home and to bed for the two of you" Jesy ordered and once satisfied that both were playing nicely, sat down on the bench opposite Louis and Zayn. "Rough, huh?" Louis breathed as Jesy tried to catch her breath. "You could say that" Jesy sighed tiredly as she helped pack away the harnesses under the pushchair and lay their own picnic blanket out. "Has Oliver been giving you trouble?" Zayn suggested as he helped Louis lay Harry some toys out on the blanket before they all sat down. Jesy sat down next to Jaymi and held his hand. "We think it's more our George than anything, since Olly has come to us they have been testing each other out over the matter" Jesy started giving her husband a sad frown. "Yeah, I don't think he's liking the extra company as he just wants our attention, but we know little Olly needs more attention right now as he feels unloved" Jaymi finished squeezing his hand that is holding his wife's as reassurance."Having a new one around who needs more attention will always be hard for your baby, but it's a part of learning. I mean, my mum had six more kids after me, but I just learnt to love them and look after them. Doris and Ernest, me two youngest are the luckiest, though. They're the same age, so they both get the same attention" he laughed. "If it ever gets too much, though, I'm sure Nick will be able to find other parents" Jesy hummed in reply. "I know, but like you said, George needs to learn. Ed has two little's, Ariana and Lauren and they never fight!" Jesy threw her hands up as if to exaggerate her point. "It'll take time. Just be patient" Zayn assured. "And what are you fussing about, mister?" He lifted Harry up, immediately feeling the wetness on the boy's bottom. "This one needs a change, Lou" Louis shook his head with a chuckle. "Come here buddy, come to daddy" Zayn passed his nephew over to his friend, Louis taking the boy and laying him on the floor once laying a separate blanket down for Harry. "I appreciate the advice Zayn, I really do but sometimes with two boys it's different than having two girls like Ed does. They can be more rambunctious and harder to control" Jesy replied, letting Harry take one of her hands to play with while he get's his bum done. "Well it's there to be taken if you want it, but maybe if it is getting too much for you, Nick and I will help you sort out for another possible parent for little Olly, after all the boy deserves everything he can get right now with all he's been through" Zayn agreed, getting a chorus of nods in return.Jesy chuckled when Harry started squirming at the cold wet wipes used on his bottom, he didn't like that at all. "I know baby, I know but Daddy is hurrying so you can get back to roaming around" Jesy cooed, stroking the baby's cheek with her other hand as her right hand is occupied by Harry. "Oh, any news on Caroline yet?" Jaymi asked wanting to see if there is any news on the whole Olly and Caroline situation.Zayn shook his head. "None yet. Nick's over at the house now. I mean, I get that she 'loves' Olly, but this was just a step too far. Nick's lenient, but I don't think even he 'l want to give Caroline another chance" he stated, smiling at Harry who was staring up at him curiously. "Don't you be eavesdropping, cheeky!" Harry murmured an unintelligent response, fingers gravitating straight to his mouth. "Ah, ah" Louis reprimanded, tugging the fingers away and replacing them with a dummy. "Icky, icky fingers" At the scolding, Harry whined through the dummy, kicking his little legs. "Come on, now. Getting your bum changed isn't so bad, is it?" Louis chuckled. "George wants to start potty training soon, but I'm just not ready for him to start progressing. Yeah, we had his little birthday party the other day, but that was just to make him feel better! He's already toddling around, I think that's enough" Jesy moaned, clutching Harry's tiny hand. "I wish he was as tiny as your little one" Jesy cooed at the curly haired baby, shaking her hand that had the baby's finger in, little Harry giggling at the silly woman before him. "Oh trust me" Louis started as he finished dressing Harry back in his clothes. "Little babies can be a handful too, though I am dreading for when my baby boy has to start walking and using the potty on his own, but I do have plenty of years to come till that day" Louis sighed happily, lifting his baby up on to his lap."Can I have a hold Lou?" Zayn watched on as that question is the one Louis hated the most, why is it now he has got a little baby everyone wants to have a hold? Louis didn't get it, only a fair few could only hold his baby and it shocked him knowing he has let Caroline hold his baby once before, even if it was for a three minutes.But......Jesy is a good old friend of his, so why not. "Alright, but only for five minutes" Louis compromised as he passed his little one to Jesy, Jesy cooing and holding the boy to her chest, that action making Harry curious again and noticing that Jesy had the same cushions as Auntie Perrie we go again.The baby buried his face in her chest, before nuzzling his face between her breasts as she had some of her cleavage showing. Jesy jumped, letting out a little shriek, ultimately gaining attention from all the other men. Louis sighed, reaching out for his baby boy and snatching him out of Jesy's arms. "What have I told you, cheeky?" he reprimanded lightheartedly, patting the baby's back. "Boobies aren't for little boys to touch!" He turned to Jesy. "I apologize about that, Jes. He's just a very curious little boy. He stuck his head under Perrie's shirt once, too! It's all completely innocent." As if to prove his daddy's point, Harry let the dummy drop from his mouth and garbled out a little response. Jesy smiled, nodding. "It's all good, Lou. I was just shocked. I breastfeed Georgie up until a few months ago and my husband and I do have our fun, so it's nothing new to me" Louis nodded awkwardly. Jesy is never one to be shy when talking about her sex life, even Jaymi was blushing next to her as sometimes she reveals a bit too much about their relationship. "And just so you know, if you ever want Harry to be breastfed, the offer is always open" Louis didn't like the idea of that, so to put in nicely he stated: "Thanks, Jes, but it's alright. I couldn't imagine anyone being so close to my baby except for me" Louis declined politely, reaching under Harry's pram for his bottle."Maybe he is just a hungry little boy, come on bot-bot time" Louis cooed taking the lid off of the bottle before feeding it to the young lad.~Meanwhile with George and Olly, the boys where running around and chasing their new friends in a game of tag, well that is until George become the one who is 'it' and tagged Olly rather harsh on the shoulder, sending the little boy down to the ground......all done....purposely of course."Owwiieee!" Olly cried as he looked down at his lap. "Wot oo gonna do baby, run ta mummy an' daddy?" George teased, the other kids leaving as they could feel the tension between the two boys, not wanting to get into trouble they returned to playing their own games. "Oh don't ave any" Olly looked down, tears shone in his childish eyes. "Aww baby gonna cwy? Don't go cwying ta ma mummy an' daddy....coz dey are mine!" George teased further, though Olly saw red and jumped onto the boy who is bullying him and hit him.Poor Olly didn't know any better, all he knew was hitting and punishments as that's all his mummy ever did to him.~Zayn looked over at just the moment to see Olly on top of George, hitting him and kicking him with all his little might. "Hey!" the raven haired man yelled, jumping up and running over to the two, Jaymi and Jesy hot in his heels wondering what on earth is happening. The man lifted the kicking and punching Olly off of George while Jesy and Jaymi tended to their bruised baby boy, cooing in his ear and massaging his back gently.At this point, Olly became a sobbing mess and cried his eyes out, believing that he would get into trouble because they had only seen what he had did to George, not what George had done or said to him. "I think you need a chill-out, mister. Let Uncle Zee feed you your bocky" Zayn soothed in the little's ear, taking his seat next to Louis. Jaymi handed the man Olly's nappy bag while Jesy fed her own distressed little."What's gone on?" Louis questioned seeing Olly and George glare at each other while having their bottles. "I just had to take Olly off of George, the kid hitting him to a pulp" Zayn fessed up rocking Olly side to side as he could still hear the small lad breathing stress-fully. "I think there is more to it, but I will have a talk with the two of them once I get them home and they have had a nap" Jaymi commented stroking his baby boys hair calmly."Daddy, I wanna pway with Hawwy" George demanded, wriggling in Jaymi's arms. Olly scowled. "No, I wanna play with him!" Louis quickly eased the tension. "Sorry, boys, but Harry's having a sleep right now. Maybe next time, hmm?" he made his point clear by pulling Harry's chair over and fastening the boy into it, as he had finished his bottle a few minutes ago. Harry whined, but quickly got settled when his daddy started rocking the pram back and forth with his foot. All the while, Olly and George were glaring hatefully at one another.why couldn't they just play nice and behave while everything got sorted out with Olly and his Mummy? No one knew the answer of course, but one thing for sure...Jesy definitely wanted Olly to be someone else's as two boys is giving her a headache as well as Jaymi. "Baby's always sleep! Wanna play with the baby! Wanna play now!" George carried on, stamping his foot, his behavior a sign that he's getting tired."Nu uh! I play wid da baby! I wanna!" Olly joined in, not knowing he's being a bad boy and testing Jaymi and Jesy's patience, not even caring that he got a spanking as he has gotten used to them. "No me!" George shouted back grabbing one side of the push chair while Harry still slept in it. "Noooo! Meeeee!" Olly equally whined back grabbing the other side of the push chair and giving it a tug, Louis along with the others tried stepping in and taking the boy's from the sleeping baby inside, but it wasn't working as each boy played tug of war with the pushchair, either of them not letting go and Harry moving from side to side which eventually woke him up.Harry cried loudly at being disturbed thanks to the two boys, Jesy coming over and hitting both boys on their bottoms before taking George with her and Jaymi takes Olly."We're going to have to leave, love" Jaymi sighed, restraining a wiggling Olly in his arms. Louis is currently squatting in-front of Harry's pushchair, stroking his cheek as he tried hard to not whip around and lash out at the two naughty boys. Zayn, as if sensing his best mate's annoyance placed a calming hand on Louis' neck, rubbing gently. "I know" Jesy groaned, smacking George's bum once again before setting the boy in his own pushchair. Jaymi stood Olly between his legs to get him fastened into his harness, wiping away the little's tears as he knew he was in trouble now. "We're sorry about this, Lou." Jesy apologized as she leaned down to Harry. "Sorry for disturbing you, mister. If only the boys could be as good as you!" the woman then gave Zayn a quick peck on the cheek and with that, the family were on their way.I guess looking after two boys can be quite the hassle, but just a while longer and maybe Olly can find a new mum and dad, because as much as Jesy hated to admit it, she doesn't think herself and her husband could deal with two trouble makers, that and now if she looks back on it...she isn't ready to adopt another little, not if George is going too act the way he's been doing.Picking up on her speed, Jesy headed home as herself and her husband need a chat with the boys, fought after they have both had a nap of course, otherwise they may not cooperate.~"He's finally back asleep" Zayn commented as he peered down to see a fast asleep Harry suckling on his dummy. "Thank god" muttered Louis as he himself peered into the pushchair to see his little ray of sunshine fast asleep, then standing up to start heading home. "I so wanted to CALMLY state to them how un-pleased I was at waking up my baby, but I couldn't as shouting or telling off another parents little while they are there isn't fair" Louis stated gripping the pushchair handles, his knuckled turning white in the process."I was about to say I know how you feel, but I don't know what its like to be a daddy so I can't say anything" Zayn sighed feeling useless, but if he isn't ready to have a little of his own just yet....then he isn't ready.Louis looked at his friend, giving him a sad smile. "Your day 'l come, Zee. Just be patient" the man soothed, knowing Zayn so badly wanted to be a daddy as much as Zayn tried hiding it. Zayn blinked, shrinking back not used to the sympathy his friend is offering. "Lou, stop with the pity party. I don't want to be a daddy, okay? So quit acting like I do" he spat, the anger seeping into his tone. The thing is, Louis is right....he is so damn right. But Zayn didn't like people feeling sorry for him. Taken aback by the tone, Louis glared before standing up, placing his hand on the pram handles yet again. "We'll walk home" he stated coldly, bustling off before Zayn had a chance to stand up, he had never been one to take disrespect on the chin.Little did he know, Zayn didn't leave the park for a while as the raven haired man got too caught up in his thoughts about how terrible of a friend he is, that and how he'd probably never be a daddy. He has watched the parents and little's came and go over the hours, smiling at each other and bouncing around happily...all the while he is alone. And when it became night time, when everyone is gone, the laughter of the children and the calling of the adults could be heard no more, only his phone buzzing. He checked it, the name being Louis. "Zee, you alright mate?" Louis sounded worried. "Where are ya? I called the house and you didn't answer, everyone I've asked says they haven't seen you or ya car. I'm sorry about before, alright? I shoulda spoke to ya" Louis fussed, feeling bad.Zayn chuckled, though it seemed forced. "It's fine Lou, you had every right to be mad at me, I shouted and refused your pity. You know how I am and I am sorry I pushed you away" Zayn replied, not wanting his best friend to feel guilty anymore. "Stay at mine tonight Zee, I don't want you to be alone after all of this. Take is as a sorry from your good pal Tommo?" Louis pressed, really wanting to settle the matter now. "Alright, I'm heading over now" Zayn replied before ending the call, he hated how he couldn't take other people's pity, like he felt he wasn't worth it when really he does. Let's just admit it, that without our raven haired god doing his job, then no parents would have a little and no child on the streets of London would have a parent...maybe it's alright for the raven haired man to be pitied on as he is the one getting these kids a home and not having a little his self.~The man was at Louis's in record time, the latter giving him a big hug when he arrived and apologizing profusely, to which Zayn assured him that everything is fine. He is brought into the living room, where Harry was on the couch clad in only a warm t-shirt, no bottoms to cover him. "Was just getting this one into a new nappy. Are you all nakey, hmm?" Louis cooed, lifting Harry up by his ankles, legs kicking away happily. "Let daddy wipe your bum, trouble" he said fondly, Zayn coming over to tickle the baby's tummy...which wasn't a good idea, as Harry is beyond excited when his beloved Uncle Zayn came into view...and what do some excited babies do? Where just about to find out!Louis ducked just in time for Harry's wee to go shooting over his head as Zayn threw a hand over his mouth, chuckles erupting heavily."Oh man, I am so sorry Lou! Haha!" Zayn chuckled, he couldn't help himself as Harry's face just showed pure innocence. "Its fine Zee, I deserved that for being a jerk" Louis replied wiping at his baby's bottom...AGAIN! "You are such a cheeky boy, aren't you? Tagging up with Uncle Zee to get back at me" Louis tickled his little boy though he made sure to have a nappy securely on the boys bottom before hand, you can never tell with a little baby when they are going to go expel their contents.Harry giggled, causing Zayn to erupt with even more laughter while Louis faked an annoyed expression, rolling his eyes. "I see it's pick on Daddy Lou day today, huh?" he sniffled, picking Harry up. "Zayn, you can go and throw the nappy away, see if you're still laughing after that" Zayn scoffed. "Why would I stop laughing just because-" he immediately stopped speaking when he picked up the nappy. It seemed as if Harry had done a bit more than just wee in it, as Louis hadn't put it in the sack yet. "Oh sh-" Zayn started though stopped at his friend's raised eyebrow. "Finish that sentence and it'll go over your head" Louis warned, pressing his hands over Harry's ears. Zayn sighed, throwing the nappy away before going to the bathroom to wash his hands thoroughly.Meanwhile Louis prepared Harry for bed, a blue baby grow with burgundy stars covering the piece of clothing, pop buttons going down the body and legs, Harry's small bare feet peeking at the leg holes as it isn't like a footie pajama baby grow. "Right milky and bed for one little boy, eh?" Louis cooed, winking at Zayn who is stood at the kitchen door way, watching the father and son duo.Sometime...that will be him."Right then, come say night night to Uncle Zayn, then we'll go to bed" Louis cooed, bringing Harry over to Zayn, hoisting him up a bit higher so Zayn could give him a kiss. It isn't because Louis is small...Zayn is just tall. When putting him to bed however, Louis decided that he just couldn't part with his baby and once again, found himself dragging the beloved bassinet into the living room."Seriously?" Zayn chuckled, shaking his head before bringing his cup of tea to his lips. "What? I couldn't help myself, its hard to part with your little" Louis sassed back placing the bassinet next to the place he sits. "Uh huh, Lou he's only going to be up stairs, you have a baby monitor with you at all times" Zayn replied as he watched his little nephew get settled for his night feed. "Not to rub it in your face Zee, but once you find yourself a little to look after of your own....then you will understand, other than that...just trust me on this one" Louis commented, putting the rubber nipple of the bottle into Harry's mouth.Harry rubbed at his eyes tiredly and pulled at his lashes, something he's only started doing previously. "Well like I said before, I don't want to be a daddy...'m fine" Zayn urged though he gave a look towards his friend as if to say that's that, end of conversation. 'of course not' thought Louis as he looked back down at his baby, Zayn carrying on drinking his tea. "Oi silly, your going to hurt your little eyes doing that" Louis sighed pulling the hand Harry had playing with his lashes away from his face, though Harry whined loudly in reply, milk dribbling everywhere in the process."Ah, ah, no tantrums now please" Louis cooed, even though he knew Harry had no control over his actions. Tiny babies are bound to throw tantrums ans it isn't as if Harry could harm anyone with his, so Louis deemed them alright. Still, he liked to play along. "Do as daddy says" surprisingly, Harry did.Louis burps him, fed him more and then burped the baby again, before Harry made it clear that he was full. "Right then cheeky, off to sleepy land you go" Louis giggled, sliding the boy into Zayn's lap so the man could give the baby a kiss. Being the overprotective daddy he is, Louis would never let anyone so much as blow a raspberry on Harry's tummy as kissies were intimidate, between daddy and baby only. If other people did it, itis wrong. However, Louis felt he could trust Zayn enough to give his baby a little peck on the cheek.Harry gave his Uncle Zee a kiss on the cheek, giggling when his amazing Uncle Zee kissed him back, giggling in reply. "Right come here then cheeky, night nights time" Louis cooed, bringing his arms out to get his baby boy from his friends lap.Louis laid Harry in the bassinet, himself sucking on the dummy he pulled out of nowhere before giving it to his baby boy. "Love you baby" Harry gave a contented sigh before drifting off to sleep, Louis peeking into his basinet then again."He's so cute, Lou" Zayn smiled. "I hope my little is just as adorable" it took the man a moment to process what he had just said, when he did, he paled. "I mean, not that I want a little, but if I did-" Zayn rambled on, Louis inturrupting him."Then you'd want them to be adorable. I totally understand, Zee. The daddy life isn't meant for everyone" he replied, though there was sarcasm laced in his tone.Zayn didn't even try to call him it on it.

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