Chapter Twenty-One

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"You're right about one thing, Bridget."

Standing up, Tom gave the black gun poking out of his pocket a reassuring pat.

"It's not too late. In fact, you're going to start cleaning up the messes you've made as soon as we finish our little party tonight. Now, here's what we're going to do. First off, my girl Skye here is coming back to New York with me."

Bridget and Skye flinched, crying out in shock as Will's heart banged against his chest wall. For the first time in his life, he felt something close to despair.

This can't be happening.

"No, Tom. Please don't take Skye. I'll do anything you say." Bridget's voice broke as she begged, while Skye sobbed into her shirt. 

"Sorry, Bridge, but no can do. Based on your recent behavior, I'd say you need a little incentive to do what's right." His voice dripped with condescension. "I'd never harm a hair on our daughter's head; she just can't be with you until you set things right." 

"But there's the restraining order to consider. You don't want the police involved, Tom. Please. There has to be another way." Eyes darting back and forth, Bridget tripped on her words like she was struggling to translate her racing thoughts.

As far as Will was concerned, she was grasping at straws. If Tom was worried about the restraining order, he wouldn't have shown up in Reese, drunk and packing heat. Will had never seen the man sober, but liquid courage seemed to give his ego superpowers.

Tom smiled, his voice coated in sarcasm. "Ah! Thanks for the reminder, my love. Of course I've got a solution to the legal grenade you lobbed at me. With Skye back in New York, you're  going to call off your lawyers and, best of all, the press. Explain the divorce and restraining order were majors lapses in your feeble judgment and, surprise, love conquers all! Stay out here in the sticks long enough to tell your family we decided to patch things up, and then you can join us at home. Just remember – you gotta be real persuasive so they're not tempted to cause us any trouble. Let's just say that wouldn't be in their best interest."  He reached out to stroke Bridget's hair again, and her body quaked underneath his touch.

"Oh, you didn't think I forgot about your precious sister, did you?" Tom shook his head slowly as if disappointed by her stupidity. "Come on, Bridget; if you really want to disappear, maybe next time go somewhere you don't have any connections that can be traced, huh? It didn't take long for me to dig you up. I just needed time to plan our reunion properly before coming to get my special girls back." Lifting his ex's zip-tied hands, he kissed them tenderly, then nipped at her knuckles, making her shriek.

Will shifted his eyes to check on Skye. Catching his gaze, she mouthed "I'm sorry" again, and her 1 flashed on and off like it was about to detonate. He tried to muster a reassuring smile, but his heart ached just looking at her.

Letting Bridget's hands drop, Tom began pacing as he spoke. "You've got to know by now that money makes the world go 'round. Come on, don't be so naïve. I can pay people to do almost anything, so I bought some eyes and ears on the ground to keep tabs on you. Hell, we even traced your brother-in-law's credit card." Tom chuckled like it was a great joke. "When ol' Brenty boy booked a lake house for the weekend, I came down here in case you and Skye stayed behind. I figured everyone would need a break from playing house together at some point. And if you weren't here, I'd just try again next time. Guess I hit the jackpot on the first try, though, huh, sweetheart? I always did have good luck." Reaching for his bottle again, he took a shot and smacked his lips.

"When your sister gets back, tell her you couldn't live without me, and Skye missed her friends, so she went home. Actually, I don't give a shit what you tell her, just make this crap go away 'cause my patience is wearing thin. Oh, and clean up before they get here, will ya? You girls put up quite the fight when I arrived. This place is a real mess." He waggled a finger in Bridget's face, and Will cringed. 

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