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"Don't worry. I promise to stay in the dark where I belong."

"I won't bother doing things I don't have to....."

"We are all searching for someones whose demons play well with ours."

"Mommy, Daddy, don't you know? You lost your daughter years ago."

"It will get better? You know, you're a very terrible liar."

"We're one and the same, deranged."

"I'm not crazy, I'm just creatively insane."

"Reality is a prison."

" 'Be yourself' is the worst advice you can give to some people."

"You can't trust anybody. Even your shadow leaves you in darkness."

"You think you can murder my demons? Try it if you can."

"If you are afraid of darkness, than you are afraid of your own soul."

"The difference between who you are and who you want to be is what you do."

"To you I am merely a monster. In the end, that's all I ever was......"

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