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Wait you expect me to have a good first chapter?!

Pppppsssshhhhhh noooo!

Are you leaving?

Why aren't you leaving?!

Alexa griped her hand agitated that she had to press return so fucking much before she got her viewers frustrated. "OWWWWW TROLLING PEOPLE HUUUUURRTTSSS" She screeches as vanessa enters. "Oh yep I learned that the hard way. I couldn't write for a week!" They say laughing a bit. "Why are yooouuuuu here??? I thought you were in Disney land?" Alex says confused. "We just got back!" Shadow says entering the room. "Fashionably late like always!" They say. "More like un-fashionably late." Alexa retorts receiving a chuckle from the eldest of the three (Vanessa). "Rude! Anyways I just saw the cutest thing!" Shadow starts to rant. The ranting fades into the background as Alexa tries to think of what the fuck to do in the first chapter of her tag book. Should she even make one? Not many people will tag her anyways. Eventually the group of BFFs start watching The Office until 4:30 a.m. and drift off into a peaceful slumber. And though Alexa had no intention of publishing more than one book, fate had it that she would actually have to get off her lazy ass and write something.

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⏰ Last updated: May 07, 2019 ⏰

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