Chapter 1- Moving In.

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You put the last box in the moving van, sad that you're going to leave your childhood home.
"mom, why do we have to leave?" you ask.
"it's for our own safety, honey" she sighed,
"there are bad people out there, like the ones who killed your father" she looked down,
"we need to protect ourselves at all costs"

You clambered into the passenger seat of your car as you watched the moving van drive away.
A tear came to your eyes, you didn't like change.

*time skip*

"sweetie, wake up, we're here" your mom said softly, pointing at the house you were parked at.
You gasped at how big it was, it was so much better than your old house, but it was hard to love it, as you have no memories there.

You got out of the car and headed towards the moving van, and started taking boxes into the house.
"Lily, I need to go and get some groceries, would you be able to unload the boxes?" Your mom asked.
"Sure, I guess, I'll see you later" You waved her off.
Coming back for another box, you walked towards the van, but you were greeted by a pink haired boy; about 5'8, and very good looking.

"Hi!" he said, god even his voice was hot , you thought as you blush.
"Hi.." You stumbled, hoping he didn't notice your rosey red cheeks.
"I'm Noen, your new neighbour, nice to meet you, I thought you might want some help carrying these boxes?" he said.
"Nice to meet you too, I'm Lily, and I would love some help" you smiled and blush even more.

Noen grabbed a couple of boxes and stacked them up as he carried them inside. You couldn't help but notice how strong he was.
You lifted a large box into your arms and began heading to the door.
"Hey let me help you with that" Noen exclaimed as he lifted it from you. Your arms dropped down to your sides from how heavy it was. He chuckled.

*time skip*

"Thanks for helping me take in the boxes whilst my mom was out" You smile.
"It was no problem at all" He blushed a little at your smile.
There was a little awkward silence.
"I have to get going, I suppose I'll see you around? I go to RichWood High school, so I'm guessing I'll see you there." You said, breaking the silence.
"Yeah I go there" He smiles, "See you around".

You start walking to your door, but you feel a hand grab your arm.
"Wait! Sorry, I forgot to give you this" He hands you a piece of paper with his number on it, you smile as you put it in your pocket.
"I'll let you go now, see ya" He winks as he jogs back to his house, giving you a slight wave.

You sit down on the couch in your house, and pull out your phone. You add his number into your contacts and name it "Noen✨"

After procrastinating on what to say, you finally text him:

You- Hii, it's me, Lily :)

Hello! I hope you enjoyed the first chapter, let me know what sorta things you want me to add.
I'm not sure if I will add any smut, as I'm not good at that stuff, but i will probably add some kissy kissy scenes here and there.

word count: 572.

Noen Eubanks, the boy next door.Where stories live. Discover now