Chapter 2

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 Author's POV

The Pine siblings, Mabel and Dipper, Wendy, Soos, and Liza went to the backyard to play some games.
  "Hey lets play hide-and-go-seek" Mabel said.
  "Yeah, I'll go first" Dipper agreed.
  Wendy, Soos, Mabel and Liza all went to hide while Dipper counted.
  Everyone were hidden close to the Shack except Liza she was hiding far in the woods.
  " or not here I come!" Dipper called.
  Mabel, peeked out from her hiding under some bushes and saw her brother nearby.
  Wendy, was climbing on trees to the top from being spotted.
  Soos, was visible he couldn't hide well that you could see his chubby body from behind the trees.
  Liza, she was kind of far until she stopped when she felt something poking her back.
  "Ah!", she yelped. "huh? What is this?".
  She stared at a statue that had his hand extended like a hand shake, she was going to reach out to it until she heard someone from behind shout.
  It was Dipper.
  "Liza, get away from that statue!", he yelled. He sounded worried and panicked.
  "Dipper?" Liza said calmly.
  Dipper grabbed Liza's hand and pulls her away from the statue.
  "Dipper what is that statue?", Liza asked. "Why are you afraid?".
  Dipper shook his head. "Just don't say anything to the rest but that's Bill Cipher he's a crazy, insane demon".
  "But why are you afraid of it?" Liza repeated.
  "Because he almost destroyed this place, with his maniac demons", Dipper explained. "and we defeated him by wiping my grunkle's mind."
  Dipper nodded.
  Liza nodded as she understood. She hugged Dipper with an apology.
  "I promise I won't do it again" she whispered.
   Dipper's face was getting warm with red. He was blushing.
  "I found Liza!", He shouted.
  Liza looked at him and smiled. "Were going to catch the rest of you all!", Liza agreed already running back to the Shack.
  Dipper was behind Liza and when they reached the exit of the woods to find the rest of the group.
  Liza looked up in the trees and found Wendy. "Yo! Wendy you're up there come down I found you!".
  Wendy jumped down from her hiding and smiled.
  "Nice sight you found me, Liza", She said.
  Liza nodded.
  "Now we need Mabel, and Soos" Wendy said.

Once they found all of them, they decided to go to the Shack and see what Stanley and Stanford were up to.
  When they went inside the Shack they couldn't believe what they saw.
  What they saw was....Cliffhanger!

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