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Woah, what are you doing here? I don't remember taking down the 'No Visitors' sign. I put that up for a reason...

You're still here. Why? There's nothing interesting here. I swear. 


You really are desperate, aren't you? God, I hate people like you; pressing on relentlessly and never able to take a hint. Maybe you could leave? Make life easier for the both of us? 

No? Great.


Hi, if you were wondering who I am, too bad. Stop wondering. It's better for the both of us if you don't know, so I won't tell you. Why, again, are you here? This area is very obviously not for you. You seem more like a 'fanfiction, omg mUsiCaLs!1!' kinda person. Why are you here is such a desolate, arid, uninteresting area? 

My vocabulary bore you to death yet?



Wow, you're persistent. 




Can you just stop? Please? I'll tell you something about me? Actually, no. It's not worth it. You don't deserve that victory. Well  I'm not talking anymore. Goodbye...




Whatever. This isn't gonna be fun, you know.

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