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I forgot...

They said I couldn't mention the situation.

You have to help me. This place isn't safe no matter how perfect it sounds.

Well, not that it sounds perfect, because it doesn't, but it's so much worse than it sounds. Teck is gone, I'm left- 

we're left here, no way out. We're doomed. 100% doomed. There's no possible way to find the co-


I sat, head bobbing, at my solid white desk. The screen showed plain black words on a white screen, flipping slides every few seconds signaled by the word 'next' being said in a robotically monotone voice. If you could see the voice and sound of the voiceover, it would inevitably be blindingly flawless white. 

I glanced around the room at the other future employees; full white uniforms, eyes glazed over with naiveté. No one knew what they had gotten themselves into and it was a frequent thought to leave. The only problem? You never can. Once you get into PIO inc., you have to move to their employee facility and it's your job for the rest of your life. Some might think that after realizing such a thing, someone would tell everyone in some form. A company with such intentions would never let that kind of news leak, so no employee has access to the rest of the world while employed there, which is, unfortunately, an extremely long time. 

As I smacked myself awake once more, I felt a tinge of pain above my right ear and weird white noise.


Seconds later, a monotone voice spoke quietly; 

they'll tell you its impossible
that it was the last time. 
but doing it again, i say
would take only a knick of time.
find their only downfall
it might actually be me
and use it to your advantage
right outside where the eye can see.
and if you succeed 
all you'll need is the key
and to find it all you need 
is add up to 16.

*end of flashback*

t-that's it! And, we've already found their fault! All we need to do is carry out the rest of the plan and we'll be on our way o ut i n  no time-

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