What Makes This Kitty Purr-Chapter Eleven (Peter Criss Oneshot #1)

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I was sitting on a bench by myself and then a man walked towards me.

"What are you doing out here, all by yourself"?

Peter noticed that I was shivering a little.

He put his jacket around me.

I looked up at him and he was still waiting for me to answer him.

"I'm just enjoying the quietest time of the night".

The Catman was looking at me closely.

He seemed to be meowing like a cat would do.

"You really shouldn't be out here by yourself, it's dangerous".

I shrugged my shoulders and he leaned formed and took my hand into his.

"I know a place where you'll be safe with me".

He took me to his home and I shivered against the cold.

"Wait here".

Peter told me after I sat down on the couch.

A few minutes later, he came back with a glass of milk.

I took it from him and he sat down next to me.

The Catman wrapped a blanket around me and him and nuzzled the side of my head.

"Good girl".

He took the empty glass and set it down on the side table nearby. 

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