Japan:Land of the Rising Sun

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Hi,my name is Rachel and this is my story

It was a cold December night and me and my friends thought we go out and have fun for a bit

My friends names were Edmon,Rianne,Jack and Irene

We decided to go to Japan to visit the famous haunted park there

We are going to stay in Japan for a week or so...

We packed up our things and kissed our parents goodbye

We decided to meet at the airport at exactly 2:00 pm

I was on my way to the airport riding a taxi then suddenly we headed into a traffic jam

I called my friends that I will be coming late

I cannot wait any longer so I decided to walk all the way to the airport

I walked several meters

At around 2:30,I've reached the airport just in time for our flight

My friend said that they were waiting for me for hours now

So after that we went to rode off to Japan

The plane landed at around 5:00

We got off the plane and decided to ride the bullet train until we reach our hotel

We finally found our hotel  and the hotel servants escorted us to our room

The room was nice and we got all the things we need

We unpacked our things after that we went into our beds to sleep

The next day,Edmon woke us up one by one early in the morning

Edmon:Hey Rachel,Rachel


Edmon:Get up now,were going to Mount Fuji

Rachel:But I'm still sleepy

Edmon:Oh come on,where's your sense of adventure

Rachel:Fine,I'll get up

At around 6:00 am we rode a taxi to Mount Fuji

After a few minutes we reached our destination

It was so cold even if I wear a jacket

We went closer to take a few pictures then we decided to go mountain climbing

We reached about a few meters of the mountain

Irene forgot that she was afraid of heights so we all decided to go down the mountain.

After that we went to a japanese restaurant and we ordered some food for lunch

We ordered ramen and their famous seafood sushi.The food was delish and so good that we ordered some more

After eating we were walking down the streer when suddenly I saw a black figure across the street and it looked like it was talking to me saying that we're all gonna die

But I just ignored it and we continued walking

Aftet that we went back to the hotel and we rested for a while

Trip to HellOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora