Chapter 8

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Taking care of the check, I noticed Doctor Strange pick up the business card. He took a good look at it, shook his head, then returned it to the table.

Loki didn't seem interested in looking at the card, so I had a look at it for myself. An idea began to take shape in my mind. Although I wasn't quite sure how I could make this idea work - I surreptitiously slipped the card into my pocket anyway.

It appeared this wasn't was going to be the right moment to broach the subjects I wanted to discuss with Doctor Strange, as the Mystic Master informed us he soon had to return to the Sanctum.

This wasn't a problem, though. Since we were staying at the Sanctum, I believed another opportunity would present itself.

Doctor Strange then asked us what we'd like to do while in the city.

So many choices...

Originally, when I had planned my trip, there was a long list of items I had jotted down along with the person who was to accompany me. Many were locations that certain TV shows and movies had been filmed. In truth, there were only a few places I specifically wanted to visit and have the thrill of the journey of getting to them - but these were best seen at night.

What would we do in the daytime?

Pulling out my smartphone, I looked up what activities we could do during this season...

And found one that got my attention.

"Loki, are you up for an adventure?" I asked.

"With you? Of course," he responded, with a smile.

"Great!" I smiled back. "Hope you don't mind, but I'd like to keep where we are going as a surprise."

"A surprise, eh?" Loki said, cocking his eyebrow. "My clever girl, no matter where we go, I suspect the result will be the same..." he paused for a moment, then said, "a good time will be had?"

My smile widened.

Going to the website of this 'surprise' location, I found a link for directions and clicked on it.

Handing Strange my smartphone, he showed me how to get to the right subway station.

Apparently, the station wasn't too far away from where we were, and this subway would take us to our destination.

"Thank you for breakfast and have a good time," Strange said, looking at the both of us as we exited the diner. "I'll see you two back at the Sanctum later. Oh! Beverlee, may I see your phone again?"

Pulling it from my pocket, I handed it to him.

Holding my phone in one of his hands and doing some conjuring with the other, for a moment my phone glowed orange, then the glow disappeared.

"If you run into any problems, just call," Strange said. "I believe you already know the activation words. When you return to the Sanctum, just text #1772 and the doors will open for you." Strange then handed my phone back to me.

"That's easier than having to say 'open sesame.' Thank you," I said, looking up at the Mystic Master with awe. Glancing at Loki then back to Strange, "we might come back... a little late," I said, sounding sheepish.

"I'm a night owl," Strange said. "I'll most likely be up when you return."

"The ever watchful, Doctor Strange," Loki said, his tone neutral. "Keeping Midgard safe for the people."

"Perhaps you can take some of the pressure off me, Loki?" Strange asked. "Keep Beverlee safe?"

"You already know I will," Loki replied, then looked at me, "like she does for me."

My Friend Loki: Strange MagicWhere stories live. Discover now