My Emotions Are Dead

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Dead Inside of Me

I try to write

But feel no emotion

The light has turned to night

And I don't feel the notion

To torture my brain with commotion

I just feel "there"

And I don't care

Has Love set me free?

From this damning calamity

The hangover from love

Is all but a memory

I'm just dull

My emotions are not full

They're now dust

And I must

Sweep them out

I don't care about

What I say

All my friend seem to slip away

I'm a lone wolf that cannot howl

I cannot bark

I cannot growl

Because all is dead

It's been drained from my head

When no one is around

I can be found

Sitting in silence

Numb to violence

Apathetic to it all

Inside a cry to arms did not call

But I don't trip

And I don't fall

I do not slip

Give me a ball

To make a basket

Who's in the casket?

My emotions have been laid to rest

I can attest

That deep inside

I cannot hide

The hurt that isn't there

And there is no despair

This I swear...

This I swear...

This I swear...


This is intentionally written without punctuation for the nature, tone, and mood of the poem

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