Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

Waking up the next morning, I get up and start breakfast knowing that both Molly and Juice had to work. Once breakfast is done, I go into Molly's room and wake her up before moving to our room and I start to kiss Juice's chest and kiss my way down his stomach before he grabs my chin and says "You move any lower and neither of us will leave the bed today." I start laughing and move up to kiss him and say "Breakfast is done." He kisses me one more time and says "I'll be there in a minute babe." I stand up and move to the door before turning around and looking at him as he sits up. He looks at me and asks "What?" I smile and say "I love you." He smiles wide and says "I love you."

I walk to the kitchen and Molly is plating her food. She looks at me and says "You're glowing." I smile and she asks "What happened?" I say "I told him I love him." I tell her. "Really?" she asks smiling. "Well, in her defense I said it first." he says walking up to me to take the plate I made him before kissing me softly. Molly looks at us and I see her smiling and I just shake my head.

After they leave for work, I start doing laundry and cleaning the house and there's knock on the door. That evening, Juice and Molly get home and we are eating dinner when there was a knock on the door. Molly opens the door and lets her parents in. "Momma? Pop? What's up? Is everything okay?" I ask. "Yeah baby. We just need to talk to you guys." Momma tells me. They sit at the island with us and Pop looks at Juice and asks "What club did you say you were with?" I look at Juice and see him tense up. "Sons of Anarchy. Why?" he asks and I place my hand in his and lace our fingers together. Momma looks at me and says "There's something you should know." I look at her and she says "The man that raised you, isn't your real father." she tells me and I look at her confused. "Your father was a man that was out here visiting from California. Him and your mom had a fling while he was here and you are the product of that fling." she tells me. "Okay. What does that have to do with the club Juice was in?" I ask. "He was a member." Pop says. "Okay. What's his name?" I asked. "Rayne Quinn." Momma says. Juice's eyes go wide. I look at him and he says "He was the Nomad President. Went to my charter when the Nomads disbanded." Juice said. "Sweetheart, you have a right to know your father but it's up to you." Momma says. I look at Juice and see fear in his eyes. "Been this long without him. Don't need him now." I tell them before walking from the room.

I walk to the bedroom and sit on the bed. Looking down at my hands, I feel the tears fall. The door opens but I don't look up. I feel the bed dip down and Juice reaches over and takes my hand. "Are you okay?" I ask. "Yeah. Just needed a minute." I say and go to stand but he stops me. "Please don't lie to me." he says and I sit back down. "I just don't know what to think. I mean, my parents lied to me my entire life and now I find out that the man that I thought was my father isn't and to find out that my boyfriend knew my father. It's a little much." I tell him. "I didn't know he was your father." he tells me. "I know. But, Juice, I saw your face when they said his name." I tell him. "That doesn't matter." he says. "Yes it does. I love you and if he is part of the club you're running from, then I don't need to meet him. I won't put you in that kind of danger." I tell him. "You want me to tell you about him?" he asks and I don't look at him. "No. Better I don't know." I tell him. I get up to walk away and he lets me. I walk into the bathroom and get in the shower and sob. I get out of the shower and walk into the bedroom and Juice is still sitting there. "Come here babe." He says softly. I walk over to him and he pulls me to him and kisses me softly. "You should try to meet you dad." he says. "No. Absolutely not." I tell him. He looks up at me and says "Baby, look at me." I look at him and he says "You need to meet him. He's a loyal brother. He loves his club and he's always been big on family." he tells me. "I don't care. I won't look for him." I tell him. "Why not?" he asks softly. "Because then I would lose you. It would put you in so much danger. I won't do it." I tell him as I pull away. He stops me. "I don't care. You have the right to know him. I don't care if anything happens to me. You need to meet him." he tells me and pulls me down to his lap as I start to sob again.

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