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Mys Derrée
Dark/Light att.
Healer/Devil type
Two-Pronged Attack
Two-Pronged Attack
Enhanced Combos
Enhanced Combos
Active Skill: Psyche Wave
For 1 turn, 3x Light, Dark att. Counterattack, all attacks become mass attack for 1 turn; extend orb move time by 3 seconds for 1 turn (MAX CD 4 TURNS)
Leader Skill: You'll never see me!
4x ATK and reduces damage by 25% when HP is 50% or more; 2.5x ATK and 1.5x RCV when matching 3+ att (2+heal) at once

The Blind Psychic Child, Mys Derrée
Dark/Light att.
Healer/Devil att.
Two-Pronged Attack
Two-Pronged Attack
Enhanced Combos
Enhanced Combos
Skill Boost
Resistance-Skill Bind
Time Extend+
Time Extend+
Active Skill: Psyche Wave
1.5x ATK for dark att for 1 turn, changes poison, mortal poison, bombs and jammers to dark orbs; extend orb move time by 3 seconds for 1 turn (MAX CD 4 TURNS)
Leader Skill: Being blind never stopped me from beating you!
4x ATK and reduces damage by 25% when HP is 50% or more, 2.5x ATK and RCV when 49% or less; 2.5x ATK when a skill is used, 1.5x ATK when matching 4+ linked dark orbs

Assist Evo:
North Skyward Secondary Emblem
Dark att.
Healer type
Awoken Assist
Time Extend
Blind Resist
Blind Resist
Blind Resist
Time Extend
Active Skill: Psyche Wave
1.5x ATK for dark att for 1 turn, changes poison, mortal poison, bombs and jammers to dark orbs; extend orb move time by 3 seconds for 1 turn (MAX CD 4 TURNS)

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