HanYing Sudden Haitus (1)

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Lead Dancer, Sub-Vocalist & Rapper of 13Wizards will be going into Hiatus due to he and his sister Sally from AST10Official involed in a car Accident today at 3:30pm

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Lead Dancer, Sub-Vocalist & Rapper of 13Wizards will be going into Hiatus due to he and his sister Sally from AST10Official involed in a car Accident today at 3:30pm

The pare where out with there family, having a family gathering which was set to go for 2 weeks because of how large the family has gotten

While driving home, a run away drive, crashed into there car, with three police cars also hitting them

Sally is awake with only a broken arm and leg, while HanYing is in a coma

Leader Hakyeon, got a call from Sally by Hanying's phone's

He is stable, his current injuries are. Three broken ribs. Broken left arm, broken knee cap on his left leg, broken ankle on right leg, small open head injury and one punchered lung

The doctors have stated that he is on life support and stable, they are still unsure if he will come out alive

As for the run away driver who crashed into them. He has been arrested on Murder, drugs, robrey, running away from the cops, injuring police officers

This same thing also happened to iluline7_Official member Vivian

Sally will keep us all updated, all we request from you is not to bother her about this is because while talking on the phone she sounded scared that the hospital might colossal on them

Lee Hakyeon

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