Ch1 Create

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He chuckled as he cracked his knuckles. It was always too easy. He walked away from the dust and his eyes widened. Standing at the treeline was error. Fresh hastily put his glasses and hat back on and put on his signature fake Grin and walked up to him.

"What's up my radical broseph? What are you doin here on this radtastic day." He said cringing inside at how dumb he always sounded.

"Oh hey bro. I was gonna destroy this au. You don't still need it do you? Because i can leave it if you want." He asked looking at fresh with those big eyes. Fresh mentally sighed at how innocently murderous error was.

"Nah bruh. Have fun tearing up this totally undrad au." He said as he made a skateboard using magic and made a portal.

"Later." He told error as he skated outta there. He came out in his home and yelped as he fell on the ground face first. He didn't make any moves to get up however and simply accepted his fate lying there silently. Soon a knock sounded at his front door and he groaned. He adjusted his glasses and answered to see nightmare standing there.

"Sup little nightmare dude." He stated with a cocky grin as nightmare mentally seethed. Nightmare wasn't small but fresh was slightly bigger than him. And he mentioned it. Every. Single. Day.

"We're gonna attack ink. Wanna join?" He asked as fresh grinned.

"Hells yeah."

Time skizip

Fresh's fist connected with underfells face as he grinned sending fell stumbling back. Unlike the other sans fresh prefered to fight using his fists. Made it more fun. Now he could use any magic from any body he inhabited but why do that when you can slowly and angrily pound your enemy into dust. Fell sent a gaster blast his way and fresh jumped out the way. He then ran forward and punched fell sending him into a nearby rock with only 0.25 health left. Ink grabbed fell before fresh could get close and called for a retreat. Fresh sighed as the good guys ran for their lives. He looked over to see blue, geno, and error cassually chatting. Fresh sighed again and stood at his full height. He made a portal and made his board appear.

"Later peeps. Gotta get back to the house." He told them. They all told him goodbye and fresh left. He entered his home and landed on his couch. Now maybe he could get some slee....And now his vessel was dusting. With a groan he sat up and left his house. Time to go hunting.

Two timeskip. 3 hours.

He entered his home in his new house and sighed. He collapes on his couch in exhaustion as he heard a noise from upstairs.

"C'mon. It has to be here somewhere. For fresh's house this place is pretty bland." Ink whisper yelled in annoyance. Fresh groaned when he suddenly heard a yell.

"EVERYONE! I HAVE FOUND IT! QUICK WE MUST RETURN BEFORE FRESH GETS BACK." Blueberry yelled as fresh heard a portal open. He simply laid there and slowly closed his eyes as his portal closed. It didn't matter what they found. He had nothing in his house that mattered.

"Funk my life." He groaned before falling asleep.

Three timeskip.

Fresh groaned as he sat up. He felt his rickety bones creak and he growled in annoyance. No matter what body he took he could never get rid of the wounds hate and love had given him. He stood and walked upstairs lazily. He saw noone so he shrugged and headed to the antivoid.

He entered to see no one was there. He looked around on confusion since error should be here. He groaned and made a portal the the save screen. He looked around and his eyes widened behind his glasses in fear. Geno wasn't here and standing in front of the reset button was a shadowy figure vaugely resemebling gaster.

"It is finally time. The truth shall be revealed and you will no longer hide creator." Fresh walked up behind the man and grabbed his shoulder.

"Who the hell are you and where are my brothers?!" He growled. The figure let out a chuckle.

"Noone." And with that it suddenly turned to dust. Fresh stared at his dust shocked before making a portal to outertale. He came out to see errors favorite cliff. There he saw error standing there with his back to fresh.

"Error. Where's geno?!" He yelled in fear for his brother's safety when ereor turned and fresh's soul nearly shattered. Error has a large cut across his chest and has a cut across his left eye socket. In his arms was a dusty white jacket and red scarf. He stood at the edge of the cliff with a angered expression.

"Why didn't you help us?! Why?! why?! why?! Why didn't you tell us?! Why didn't you?!" Error yelled angrily. Fresh stepped forward with a scared look.

"I wanted to error. But i couldn't. It would have destroyed you two. Please step away from the ledge." Fresh pleaded with his brother.

"No! If i can't be happy in this multiverse then i'll go to another!" Error yelled.

"Error you have no idea what you're talking about. All you will do is die!" Fresh yelled back.

"No- woaaah!" Error yelled as he fell off. He had attempted to step back again not realizing he was at the edge.

"Nooooooooooooo!" Fresh yelled as he ran forward. But he was only able to breifly touch errors blue scarf before he fell. Fresh fell to his knees and cried before screaming in hatred and passing out....

End dream

Fresh shot awake, sitting up causing his head to slam into someone elses. He looked to see it was ink. He instantly became alert and grabbed ink by his neck slamming him onto the ground.

"Yo you got a lot of funking nerve coming into mu radtastic house without permission." Fresh said as he grinned.

"Please let me go!" Ink yelled but his begging fell on deaf ears until he saiid something that made fresh instantly let go.

"My creator please release me!" He yelled as fresh's grip seized and he dropped ink. He gripped ink by the scarf and took his glasses off to add to the intimidation.

"You're gonna tell me why you called me that now or i might just break your diddly darn neck got it broski." He growled as he held ink who's face shifted from fear to determined.

"I was told your true name reactor. But i wasn't told how you became like...this." He told fresh as fresh went slack jawed. Then he gained an actually pissed off expression.

"Spill it. Who told you my old name?" He said as a voice rang from the kitchen.

"I did reactor. Or do you prefer fresh now." He turned and instantly dropped ink in shock.

"Y-you! Why the hell are you here?!" He said in shock as the person was revealed to be.......


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