chapter 2- what the fuck now

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As the manhole cover started to shake it burst up as a green sludge villain came out, izuku just stared at it emotionless.

Izuku"what the fuck noe can this day get any worse"

   Flash back 2 hours before

Izuku's POV

I felt the shop owners fist connect with my jaw man did it hurt like a bitch. I dropped into a kick boxing stance I was leaving with this bread one way or another look I know its wrong to shop lift but the 8 grand ran out 5 months ago so iv stuck to pickpocketing and shoplifting to survive.

I fast the copper of my blood in my mouth, I spit it out

Shop owner"you think you can steal what ever the fuck you want and get away with it well I'm gonna call the police and they can call your parents"he yells

As the word parents leave his moth I drop my stance put my hand in my pocket and pull out my last $20 I throe it on the ground in front of the man and begin to walk away.

Me"sorry but I don't have those that's the last of my money I'm sorry for trynna steal"I say

I fell the mans expression turn to pity. I turn to leave the shop

Shop owner"here kid"he says I turn around he hands me a bottle of water,the bread and a bag of apples plus my $20" if u need a job u can work here well pay you fairly he says I thank the man and tell him to leg me sleep on it he agrees

I exit the shop head off to the bridge I've been sleeping under
Once I'm there I sit down the manhole cover begins to shake

End of flash back

What the fuck now I say in a monotone voice laced with annoyance

Sludge monster "your a life saver kid"

He trues to attack me but be for he can I freeze every water molecule in his sludgey ass body making him solid as he freezes I summon lighting into my palm, I charge forward and palm the frozen sludge villain with the lighting (its the same move as kikashie's lighting blade or shidorie) he explodes into sludge ice cubes

As I turn to walk away I hear" fear not for I am.......what happened here" all might says

"He tried to attack me so I put him in his place" I respond


As I burst out of the sewers I yell "fear not for I am......what happened here"as I look around I see that there's green ice cubes everywhere and a green hairs boy who looked trashed like he hadn't showered in weeks his cloths were rippes and he was covered with cuts and bruises

"He tried to attack me so I put him in his place" he responds no emotions in his voice what so ever he continues to walk away

" wait young man what is your name?" I ask

"Izuku the names izuku"

"So hay guys its me again sorry once more for the small chapter and for going off course with the stories although I do plan for him to work there and for him to meet ochaco there also bakugo is nice to DEKU in this story like he's still an ass to everyone but he doesn't bully izuku and even stands up for him at time so yeah hope you enjoy see you in the next chapter"

Never back down(bmha fanfic)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz