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~Warning ~

Lots of Smut (this chapter and the next)

BDSM too~~


I have taken my time to center and calm my mind once more, but now I was once more ready to enjoy my pets to the fullest; though with a little change of plans, thanks to Richard.

I wasn't unprepared though, I had many ideas stored and time to put them to use, with two warm bodies to work with. I went inside my kinky closet, passing the tip of my fingers through leather, whips, metal and other toys that I would very much enjoy using.

I took some things here and there, and went back to the room, only to find them cuddling each other on the bed, passed out cold.

I start with Dylan, taking him in my arms and carrying him to the bathroom, taking off all his clothes and putting the ones I brought to him...

As for Richard... well, I took his clothes off as well, but instead of putting any back I brought some ropes and strips, firstly putting his arms up and tying them on the bed, them bringing into display his alluring points, passing a rope over his neck, then passing on the back to the front just to make space to his nipples, then his bellybutton, letting the rope in diamond shapes all at the front, and bellow curved it over his strong thighs, going even lower then locking his legs together in a tight knot.

The only thing free to move there was his member, and only up and down, hehe, there was something satisfying in seeing the big and strong Richard bound and tight, up to my wills and whims.

Oh, right, I almost forgot, the cherry on top of the cake. I quickly grab it on the other room, a pair of fluffy black wolf ears to put on top of his head, mixing perfectly with his hair, as well as a black leather collar on his neck with spikes in it and the tail, of course, but this one had a butt plug to put inside him with the tail coming off from the opposite side.

I take some lube off from the drawer and pass it over the plug, don't want to hurt him now would I? I bring his waist up and slowly plug it in his hole, feeling his muscles tense and a gasp escape his lips, as he was still unconscious.

With a smirk I plug it all the way in, and slowly start to move it inside him, first only circling, making his body react and his abdomen tense, but once I start to put it in and out we awakes, his member half hard from the little teasing.

"Good night wolfy, did you sleep well?"

With widening eyes he doesn't answer, instead he looks around, asserting the situation he was in, and once he does; not after testing my ropes for good measure; he goes back to staring me down, his eyes holding a glint of anger but, as always, he couldn't hide his arousal from me.

"So the big bad wolf likes to be tied down now doesn't him?"

I slap his cheeks, making his member thicken as he clenches his teeth, holding in his moans.

"Pity though, you are not going to play tonight, as punishment for hitting me with that chair."

He starts to protest but I cover his mouth with a gag, a leather strap with a ball in the middle, making him bite it down. Now, really, he was totally at my disposal, expose and locked down for my amusement.

"I wonder now... if I give Dylan a whip, would you enjoy having him stepping over you?"

His member twitches with the image, but as he can't say anything I just smile at him. His mind was trying to understand what was I up to as I stand, going in the direction of the bathroom to bring out the amusement of the night.

Surviving the apocalypse as a vampire! (mxmxm) BLWhere stories live. Discover now