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Bold is native language
Regular is English

They walked for days occasionally taking breaks and stopping to rest. After 2 days time they finally made it to their destination.

Right when Mateo thought he would die from feet pain no less not to mention his torn back held the pain of a thousand needles.

Mateo looked around and saw a village. The houses were bark-roofed, windowless log cabins, with one door and a smoke hole in the roof.

People stopped to look at him, some even glared.

He shrunk into himself. He was afraid, but anything was better than being at home with his abusive father.

The chief lead them to an opening where he saw a big fire pit and a little boy his age.

He walked towards the boy and he waved. Maybe he would make a friend!

His only other friend was Malah and she was more of a mother figure. Although Malah was avoiding him. He didn't blame her. She was just reunited with her husband she deserves some time alone with him.

"My name, Honovi" the boy said in broken English.

"I'm Mateo, I mean it is now. My name was Johnathan, but I dont like that very much"

Honovi looked confused.

"Honovi doesn't speak much English Mateo. But he will be learning." The chief explained.

"Oh" Mateo felt sad. He liked Honovi, even though he just met him, and he felt happy around him. It was almost a supernatural feeling.

Honovi looked strangely at Malah
"Who are you?" He asked.

"my son" she choked out and Honovi looked shocked. He looked to his father and he nodded.

Honovi's eyes filled with tears and he ran to hug his mother.

"mother" he cried.

Mateo looked confused and a little hurt. He couldn't understand the language but based on body language plus the way the chief acted he'd say Honovi was Malah's son.

"Malah?" He asked and she turned to him.

"This is my son Mateo. I was kidnapped by your father shortly after he was born to raise you"

The way she said it made Mateos stomach churn. It sounded like she never really cared for him and that hurt coming from the only person Mateo trusted.

Malah didn't look angry but Mateo didn't want to press for more answers.

"Bad man Mateo?" Honovi asked and he flinched. Could he really be the bad guy? Sure his father did bad things but that didn't make him bad did it?

Malah shook her head "his father" she said.

"Ok" the Chief said. "We should rest for the night. Mateo follow me."

Mateo followed the Chief to a small lone house separated from the rest of the village.

The huts were more like cabins. They were made out of wood with animal skin doors and fireplaces for warmth.

"You will sleep here tonight little one. You have much to learn in the morning and following days"

"Yes sir" Mateo said quietly. He was still thinking about what Malah said. He just wanted to cry alone in peace.

The chief looked concerned but left Mateo to his thoughts.

Did she really resent him for being taken by his father? Maybe now that she's with her family she doesn't want him anymore.

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