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Johnny woke up and rubbed his eyes. He could hear voices coming from the kitchen. Darry and Sodapop were gathered around the kitchen table. "Should we tell him?" Soda whispered to Darry.

"What's going on?" Johnny asked. He looked around, realizing his sister wasn't there. "Where's Malissa?"

"Uh...that's what we need to talk about," Soda said. His facial expressions serious and he looked almost on the verge of tears. Johnny grew concerned. Where did she go?

Sodapop handed him the note. He looked at Malissa's neat hand writing before reading. Once he read it, he jumped up and burst out the door. He could here Sodapop calling his name but he didn't stop. He ran to the the lot with tears running down his cheeks and his vision blurry. She's gone, he thought. Gone! It's my fault! My fault!

Johnny couldn't help but blame himself. She told him she wanted to leave but he told her he wanted to stay. If he didn't want to leave she would just go without him. Yes, that's it, he thought.

"D*****" Johnny cried. He punched a tree, needing someway to get his anger out. He punched it again and again. He punched it hard too. His hand began to shake and his knuckles began to bleed. He only cried. Not from physical though. He sunk down on the ground and cried.

He couldn't rap his head around it. She just up and left. He knew why but at the same time he didn't. Does she hate me? Why else why should leave without me? She wanted me to go with her but when I didn't...

Johnny just sat there and cried. Out of everything that has happened in his life, this is the worst.


Malissa had taken a bus and had gotten out of Tulsa. She looked out the window and watched as the buildings pass by. She missed her home. She hasn't even been gone a day and she already missed it. She was tired, too, from her lack of sleep. She needed somewhere to rest.

She wondered how Johnny took the news. He was probably already up now. Probably already read the letter. Probably already heart broken. She pushed that thought aside. She couldn't stand to think of her brother so sad. Over something she did. She caused him pain. She's caused him pain before. But now she broke him.

A/N I'm sorry this is so short. I've had this on my notes for a while and I just decided to update it. I haven't updated this story in a while and I'm sorry. The next chapter will be longer hopefully.

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