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[The lyrics used in this are from Time to Say Goodbye and You.]

    The nights of New York City were anything but quiet—That fact stemmed mostly from the fact the streets were filled with people rushing to get home, party-goers, and quite a few other things.

     Yes, the city that never sleeps truly earned its name. You thought about this as you heard the sounds of a song within your left ear, something which you had managed to implement into the suit.

     You had roamed around for quite a while, donning the black suit and black mask which made up your secret identity. Black Cat, you preferred to call yourself when you donned your mask within the cover of darkness.

     It had started shortly after your father had gotten out into jail for his rather illegal ways. You had taken it upon yourself to attempt to break him out. It wasn't the best idea, you knew that very clearly, but yet your judgement was clouded.

     Instead, your mind focused on the fact that he was family, and that you could help him. You could make your family while again.

     Well, 'whole' was subjective. Your mother has left your family when you were younger, so your father was just about all you had. It was rather dysfunctional, but it was enough for you.

     Your plan went rather terribly. Sure, you had done everything that you could to get him out, and it was going greatly—until some kid in a spider-themed suit had to go and ruin that for you.

     In the end, you had managed to get out, but your father wasn't able to have the same experience. Instead, he had gotten injured—far too injured to continue on with his dreadful life.

     It had been his last wish for you to remain on the right side of the law, his final words ever spoken being to remain as any other citizen. But your mind was made up far before that.

There's a point where it tips,
there's a point where it breaks...

     Your music ended up shaking you out of your thoughts, letting out something akin to a sigh. Just barely nodding to yourself, you swallowed, before mumbling to yourself.

     "Right. Here goes nothing," you spoke, cracking your neck. With that simple movement, you jumped into motion, using a grappling hook you kept on your waist to pull yourself towards another building—a museum.

     Managing to get down onto it without breaking off an alarm—after all, you had made preparations the night before—you looked around.

     Your plan was quite simple when one considered it. You planned on stealing many different things, starting with smaller ones to work yourself up confidence. In your eyes, you were just protecting your father's legacy, even if he didn't quite want that for your life.

     The 'heroes' of New York were the reason that your father had been separated from you—the reason he had died. At least, that's what your mind screamed out to you whenever a sliver of a doubt rang through your mind.

     That doubt rarely went through your mind. After all, you had grown up feeling as if what you were doing was completely the right thing to do, something that you had most likely inherited from your father.

     Your eyes landed on a gem, a grin spreading to the face of your persona. You knew it was cliché, but that was almost what you were going for in any way. After all, villains in New York City had to have something unique to be remembered in the eyes of citizens and heroes alike. Moving towards it, you rather quickly broke the glass—it wasn't like it was something hard to do.

     Almost as soon as you did, alarms began to blare. "Shit," you mumbled, snatching the diamond off and stuffing it into one of your countless hidden pockets.

Our enemies are gathering
The storm is growing deadly

     Oh, how you absolutely loved picking appropriate songs to go with your... hobbies. You began to hear the faint sound of sirens, which caused you to grab at that same grappling hook and aim for the closest exit, which was the same window you had entered into the museum by.

     Once you were onto the roof once more, you took a moment to glance down, seeing multiple cop cars already swarming. That was the reason you didn't hear soft noises coming closer towards you—at least until they made themselves rather obvious by landing on the same roof as you.

     "Oh," you spoke, before just barely nodding to yourself and turning around to face the other. Almost instantly, you recognized the person standing in front of you as one you had loathed for quite a while—the red in blue suit was a bit of a giveaway, only completed by the spider symbol plastered onto his chest.

     "Spider-Boy, was it?" You asked before you could carefully consider your words. After all, this was the man who you met when you had made your first appearance as Black Cat, the time when you tried to get your father out of jail.

     "Spider-Man," he corrected, rather tense. Well, that was to be expected, quite honestly. After all, he was standing in front of someone who was so obviously on the opposite side of him.

    "Yeah yeah, Spider-Kid," you waved it off, eyes glancing around briefly.

     Although he did something akin to open his mouth in order to speak, judging by the stretch of his mask, you moved before he could.

     Shooting your grappling hook out once more, you found your way towards another building, which caused the other to move in action.

     "Stop!" He called out, making a very particular motion with his hand before he was rushing towards you, using spider-webs as his transportation.

     That caused you to pause just barely, a smirk on your face before you held your hands up and looked back up at him.

     He let out a sigh of relief, continuing to come after you...

     ...Until you began to move once more. Sprinting off, you could practically feel the shock radiating off of him, causing you to let out a rather loud laugh.

     "I said stop!" He spoke in a higher voice than the one he was seemingly faking moments before, just further proving the name 'Spider-Boy' to you.

     "You didn't say how long!" You countered, looking around once more before jumping to another building. You knew a place where you could most likely hide out, but first you needed to get the bug off of your trail.

All those silly issues made up in your head

     Your smirk only increased with the change in song, nodding to yourself. This is where the fun begins.

The One and Only [Peter Parker x Reader]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن