Chapter 9

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Luke P.O.V:

Next Day

Alexis and her friend left to go to some gay concert. Alexis's friend has been here for almost 32 hours. I mean it's okay if it was 5 or 2 hours, but 32? Doesn't she have her own family or some shit?

Last night, She was pretty cool I have to admit, but she's iffy. I don't like that at all. One minute, she's laughing ,and then she will look at you, like shes about to kill you. With her eyes.

"Luke." Mindy cried.

"Mhm." I get down on my knees, so we are eye level.

"Gavin pushed me and I hit my head on the wooden playhouse." Blood was going down her fair skinned face.

"Oh, Oh. Shit." I pick her up and take her to the bathroom lightly sitting her down on the sink. "Do you remember your name? How old are you? Who am I?"

"Um, I don't know." She cries harder.

"FUCK! GRACIE!" I yell, startling the poor child.

"What?" Her face falls. "Oh man, is she ok? Is there anything I can do?"

"Yes, please watch the kids, while I take her to the hospital, please." I pick up Mindy again, heading for the door.

"Yeah, sure, of course."

I open the door and quickly shut it, running to the car. I buckle Mindy, then, myself.

As I'm driving I pull out my phone.

Me: Alexis meet me at the hospital.

Alexis: Why? What happened?

Me: Mindy fell and her head is bleeding just please start heading to the hospital. Bye.

I could here her faintly say, "I knew I shouldn't have left him in charge." Before I hung up.


I based the first paragraph of what something my brother would say, not what Luke would say. :-)

I'm doing a last minute dedication to lashton_tho cos she's nice enough to vote for my sucky story. :-)

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