Chapter Five.

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I took in a deep breath before knocking on Dana's front door.

Not long after, the door swung open and Dana stood in front of me.

"Hi," I said.

"Hi," he smiled, leaning against the side of the doorframe.

"Are you going to let me in?" I asked, trying to hide my nerves.

"Are you going to give me something first?"

"What?" I asked, unsure of what he wanted.

Dana chuckles, wrapping his arms around my shoulders and waiting for me to hug him back. When I did, he held me for a bit longer before letting go and pulling me inside.

He closed the door behind me and walked in front of me. I followed him as I looked around at his house.

It was not what I was expecting at all.

I actually have no idea what I was expecting but it was definitely not this. His house was tidy and it looked even nicer on the inside than it did on the outside.

"Surprised?" he asked, facing me as he walked backwards down the hallway we were going.

"Your house is really nice," I told him.

"Thanks," he shrugged, turning back around and opening a door.

We walked into a room that I assumed to be his bedroom. It was nice, too.

There was a full sized bed in the corner along with a desk and a dresser and other things that you would normally find in a room. It was as neat as the rest of his house.

"You can just set your stuff anywhere," he told me, stuffing his hands in his pockets.

I took my purse off my shoulder and put it on the floor next to his bed.

"I was going to shower before you got here, but I wasn't paying attention to the time so I'm going to go now," he informed me.

"Okay," I answered slowly. What the hell was I supposed to do while he was in the shower?

"You can just hang out or do whatever," he shrugged. "There's food in the kitchen and my TV's right there."

"Thanks," I nodded.

He walked out of the room and I was left to do nothing. I had no idea what to do.

I sat down on his bed and took out my phone.

I scrolled through my social media, trying to pass the time.

After more than five minutes had gone by, I started to hear someone singing.

Being that Dana and I were alone, I knew it was him. I stood up and followed the sound of his voice until I reached the bathroom.

I silently stood in front of the door and listened as he sang:

"Almost, almost is never enough
so close to being in love
if I had known that you wanted me
the way that I wanted you
then maybe we wouldn't be two worlds apart
but right here in each other's arms

And we almost, almost knew what love was
but almost is never enough..."

He was amazing.

I heard the water turn off and I ran back to his room as quietly as I could. I sat back down on his bed and I took out my phone, attempting to look like I had been there the whole time.

It was a few minutes before Dana returned to the room, only this time he wasn't wearing a shirt and his sweats were hanging low on his hips.

I pretended to not pay attention to him and tried to keep my eyes glued to my phone's screen but it was so hard when Dana was standing right there.

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