Chapter 1

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"Miss Granger" she heard the man in front of the Minister's office call out her name. Hermione quickly stood up and walked into the office.

"Please sit down, Miss Granger" Kingsley Shacklebolt motioned towards the not so comfortable looking chair in front of his desk. Hermione took her place and looked into the man's dark eyes with hope. This is it. This is the moment she's going to become the Head of the Aurors.

"I'm very impressed by your work, Hermione" The minister started. Hermione smiled, and in her head she was already thinking of a way of thanking him when he's going to appoint her as Head of Auror's Office. "You're our second best auror, that's why I am going to give you this new mission."

"What?" The question just spouted from her. "Weren't you going to appoint me as Head?"

"Oh, Miss Granger, you really are a talented auror with a brilliant mind, but you see, Marcus Flint is doing his job perfectly, so I can't just reduce him." Marcus Flint. Hermione hated him, but she couldn't argue, he was a really good auror. Although she wasn't convinced he was better than her.

"Anyway, your mission is to find these 5 missing people" As he said this, the Minister gave Hermione a thin dossier. "Unfortunately, this is all our information"

She opened the dossier which contained 5 pages - one page per person- and looked through it. It was a hard one, because the only mutual thing among the cases were that everyone went missing in New York City.

"This" the Minister pointed his wand to the name of the city "is your lead. We'll send you a portkey tomorrow which leaves at 2 pm. You'll arrive to New York at 9 am, so you can start working on the case right away. We rented an apartment for you, so you needn't worry about your housing. Our men couldn't find the missing people for a month, so I hope you'll succeed."

"How much time am I given?"

"A week. I suppose that's enough, isn't it, Miss Granger?"

Hermione froze down. A week? She just got a week to find 5 missing people in a place she knew nothing about. She got a week to solve this mystery other aurors couldn't solve in a month. She was just about to open her mouth to voice her opinion, but she was already being pushed out of the office by the next person who came to visit the Minister and found herself on the corridor again.

She gripped hard on the dossier and started walking. Suddenly a bunch of clouds covered the sun, and the corridor darkened, which reminded her of the Hogwarts dungeons. This whole situation reminded her of those dungeons and the Potions lessons. Second best. She was second best in Potions too. Second best after a Slytherin like in this case. Second best after Draco Malfoy, on top of all. She snorted. It was ridiculous.


"Hermione!" Just as she entered her flat, a mass of red hair mantled her vision. Ginny Weasley throw herself into Hermione's arms, who almost fell backwards.

"Whoa, Gin, take it slowly" She said when she finally caught her breath and the ginger girl finished hugging her.

"Sorry. I just missed you." She smiled.

Hermione smiled back at her. "I missed you too. You're home early, though. How was Ireland?" Even though Hermione didn't like Quidditch she always asked her friend what were her matches like. Ginny played as a Chaser for Holyhead Harpies for 3 years now.

"It was alright. Sadly we didn't win -I'm sure you read it in the news- but I enjoyed the match." Hermione hated to admit but she was a horrible friend. She always skipped the Quidditch article in the Prophet, not taking too much interest in it as Ron always spoke about it. Thinking about him, Hermione remembered that they didn't see each other in a week now. She was just too busy with her work to have dates, but she was sure everything was fine.

"I'm sorry Ginny. I was really jittering for you."

"Don't worry Hermione, y'know what's it like in sport; once up, once down."

"How long are you staying in London?"

"For two weeks. Can I crash at your place? I don't want to go home because mom would feed me with all her food, which is delicious, and I'm not complaning, but my manager says I must eat things with low carb level if I want to keep my shape. My mom just wouldn't understant it."

Hermione nodded. "Of course, but I'm leaving tomorrow for a mission. You have the key"

"Thank you, I owe you one" Ginny sighed. "By the way, I bumped into Ron in Diagon Alley. He said he wants to meet you tonight. He said it's important."

"Then I better go. Make yourself comfortable, but don't try to blow up the popcorn maker again" Hermione said as she turned to leave. But before apparating away she caught Ginny smirking awkwardly as she remembered her unfortunate encounter with the infamous popcorn maker.

However Ginny didn't tell her, Hermione knew exactly where Ron wanted to meet her. It was a small café in muggle London where they had their first date. So far they've been dating for 2 years, and their third anniversary was soon approaching. It was already dark outside but inside the café it was bright and inviting. Their café.

As Hermione stepped in she immediately noticed Ron's bright red hair at one of the tables in the back. She walked to him and sat down in front of him happily.

Ron looked concerned and nervous, and as they ordered their drinks Hermione started sharing his concern too.

"Hermione, I have to tell you something" He said after a nice small talk. Hermione was very anxious now. She wondered what it was, but she was sure it couldn't be something as bad as him breaking up with her.

"I have to break up with you" said Ron at last.

A/N: Thank you for reading the first chapter, it means a lot to me <3
I'm new to writing this way, but hope you enjoyed this and will the rest of the story too. I'll post on instagram about updates
( @/malfoygirls) but those who know me know I don't have much time😂
If you wouldn't know, I have a 'fanfiction' on instagram too called 'Amortentia' (it's also dramione). If you're not familiar with that you can check it out on my instagram profile :)
Anyway, feel free to ask anything about the story, and don't forget to comment and vote!


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