Code Crackers Episode 1: @LeighUre

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Hey True Believers! I realize how completely delinquent I’ve been in updating this. I’ll be honest, work, and two new projects plus a foray into Amazon’s KDP Select has been way too much for me. I have several unanswered messages, and even more on the messageboards, so I hope you guys don’t think I’m a jerk and am not responding! Truth is, it’s becoming a little too much to do on the hour or two a day that I have to do this, LOL!

Anyway, here’s my peace offering!

I realized I have a vast untapped treasure trove of information from fellow Wattpadders that I have yet to tap into! So, this will be the first of many segments I would like to call, “Code Crackers: Secrets of the Wattpad Pros”! Badadam Badaboom! :D

Every so often, I’ll interview a generous Wattpad Success story who will be willing to give of their time and expertise to share their knowledge and insights with us. Like me, you’ll learn a ton of stuff from these guys, so, without further ado, here’s the first in what I hope will be many segments! Stay tuned because there is so much awesome stuff here from our very first guest! J

In truth, this one caught me off guard. I was reading all of my PM’s one day when I came across this that literally caused me to sit up and take notice:



I wanted to tell you how much your book on cracking the Wattpad code helped me.  I wanted to comment in the book but I wasn't sure if you would see my message.

When I first started I honestly had no idea what I was doing and although I've got a mind for figuring out puzzles (I'm a computer programmer) I was clueless.

I started reading your book and began to follow some of your suggestions, like updating on Wednesdays and replying to comments made my readers posted.  My reads went up and my rankings climbed.  My first set of books (4 books) were teen fiction/paranormal but the highest ranking I ever achieved was like 35 on the Paranormal.

Then I started another book a teen fiction/romance and it did even better then any of my previous books (possibly because I was getting regular readers that liked my style of writing).  I'm still busy writing this book and it is sitting at 117 teen fiction and 98 Romance.

I started writing another book a werewolf/teen fiction about 8 weeks ago.  Initially it got better and better, more reads, more votes and then about four weeks ago I started ranking in the top 15 on werewolf. 

It has exploded, there is no other way to describe it.  In four weeks my reads went from 40K to 850K, my votes went from 2K to 30K.  Currently it is 1 on werewolf and 2 on teen fiction.

I update 3 days a week (Wed, Fri and Sun) and I make sure I reply to most comments (there are sometimes too many to get through) and I've managed to maintain my rankings.

On average I can get between 40K to 80K reads and between 1K to 2.5K votes a night, it varies depending if I update or not. 

I just wanted to say thank you because I honestly don't think I would have made it to where I am without some of your tips.

Your tips really work!

Thank you


Now, not to brag or anything, but I am proud to say I get quite a bit of mail from folks who’ve benefited from Cracking the Wattpad Code, and, like a proud parent, I actually smile when I read a lot of them. But this one jolted me wide awake!

Needless to say, I was completely intrigued by this.

For comparison’s sake, my personal record, WHEN I was featured was around 6 – 8K reads PER day. And I was pretty proud of that. But 40K to 80K reads PER DAY? That was LUDICROUS.

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