Chapter 9

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(Reader's P.O.V)

The carriage arrived in front of Undertaker's shop once again. I had wondered about Alois for the past few hours that I've been awake. I wonder if he's thrown a tantrum yet about Claude leaving... But there is one person I won't miss one bit, Hannah. She was so rude and wanted anything and everything that she talked about to be gossip. She was always looking for new juicy topics to satisfy herself with, it makes me pity her. Claude snapped me out of my thoughts.

"(Y/N), are you alright? Do you feel like coming inside? You can always stay in the carriage and I'll tell Undertaker." His gaze was soft and full of concern.

"It's alright Claude," I gave him a reassuring smile as I took a wobbly step out, "I'm fine. I was just... lost in thought, that's all."

He sighed and helped me to the door. "You really don't have to come in."

"Claude, I'm fine." This time I gave him an annoyed glare. I was perfectly capable of composing myself in a time of illness. I've done it before. I knocked on the door quickly. "Undertaker, are you there?"

Muffled laughter grew louder as the door creaked open. "Come in (Y/N)!" He ushered us inside and sat us on the old grey couch. "How did your talk with Ciel go?" He leaned forward after sitting on the coffin across from Claude and I.

I adjusted myself on the rather uncomfortable couch. "It went well. I believe Sebastian didn't hear a thing while we were speaking to Ciel. Although they both noticed how ill I was and Ciel offered, well rather demanded that I stay with him and get my illness 'properly treated'."

Undertaker's gaze darkened under his bangs and he frowned, "Do you smell that?"

"I don't smell a thing... Why do you ask?" Claude and I exchanged an uncertain look.

"The air smells like it's ripe with trouble." He grinned at the both of us. "Don't say I'm not warning you two about the dangers ahead at that household. Especially with your father still running around (Y/N)."

Claude sat up quickly, "I think I'm more than capable of defending her. I've fought with Sebastian before and he's won a few times but I manage. Her father can't be any better than him."

Undertaker only snickered and leaned closer so he was face to face with Claude. "For a demon you aren't good at sensing powers, are you?"

I sighed and looked over at the clock, 4:30. "Claude, we must be leaving. We still haven't packed our bags." I looked back at Undertaker. "We'll be fine, I promise." Claude and I left the room and packed our bags. "Thank you for allowing us to stay here."

"Of course dear." He frowned as he hugged me. "Please be safe."

Claude loaded the bags into the carriage then helped me in. The carriage creaked and bounced as we drove over the cobblestone roads and back to the Phantomhive manor. I was slightly intrigued by what Undertaker hinted at with my father. He still hasn't left the town but where could he be and what is he planning? I looked up at Claude and smiled at him while taking his hand. He still had an uncertain expression plastered onto his face. "Claude, it's going to be fine," I giggled a bit. "Undertaker just likes scarring people, that's all."

He lightly glared down at me, "(Y/N) it didn't sound like he was joking. Your father could be planning something and we wont know what it is."

"Fine, fine." I sighed and leaned my head on his shoulder while closing my eyes. I could feel myself giving in to the fever as questions swarmed my mind.

We safely arrived at the manor. Sebastian carried me inside and quickly to the guest room. "I can walk you know."

"You're pale, feverish and Claude told me you were wobbling while trying to walk. You're staying in bed until your fever goes down." He walked to the guest bathroom and came out with a wet and cold face cloth. He carefully placed it on my forehead and I felt a bit better.

"Thank you Sebastian..." I smiled at him. "Is Claude allowed to stay with me?"

Sebastian looked down at me as if I were a young child who had just cursed. "No he cannot. You may be contagious so you shall stay here." He sighed and sat next to me. "So, care to explain why he's here anyways?"

"Not in particular." I smirked at him. "That information is top secret. Although one person in this manor knows." My smirk grew to a grin.

"I can get that information easily." He left the room and left me in the empty room. I began to lightly mumble something until Ciel came in.

He walked towards the bed and looked down at me, "You told Sebastian that someone here had information, didn't you?"

My eyes drifted from the window and to him. "At least I didn't spill it automatically. I'm guessing he's interrogating Claude now?"

"Yes he is. Would you like me to send Claude to you? I have orders for Sebastian anyways." He rolled his eyes.

"That would be greatly appreciated. Thank you Ciel." He exited the room and my gaze fell upon the window again. A shadow passed through the trees. My attention was on the trees for some time until a knock startled me. "Come in."

Claude stepped into the room then he sat beside me sighing. "Sebastian has grown to be more annoying than the last time I visited with Alois here."

"It's alright Claude." I smiled at him and watched as his gaze also fell upon the window.

His eyes darted along the treeline until something caught his attention. "There's a man among the trees..."

"I saw him too. I've been watching him for a while. I guess he's just lost." I tried reasoning with myself but nothing made sense. "Please try putting up with Sebastian for a little while longer. This illness shouldn't last too long. I'm going to rest until dinner, okay?"

He nodded. "I'll leave the room then so you'll have a quiet place to rest." Claude smiled at me then left the room.

I was alone with my thoughts again for the time being. My eyes drooped shut and I realized how tired I was. The illness was draining my energy quickly. Eventually I fell into a deep sleep.

--------------------------------Small Time Skip--------------------------
(??? P.O.V)

The window rattled and the latch opened slowly. (Y/N) was still asleep as a man approached her bedside. His eyes darted around the room and he made sure that she was out cold. His thin yet strong arms reached under her and effortlessly picked her up with out disturbing her slumber. The man quickly exited through the window and put (Y/N) into a white van. The van sped away from the manor just as Claude was going to wake her for dinner.

Claude opened the door quietly and called out to her. "(Y/N) are you awake yet? It's time for dinner." He entered the room thinking she was still peacefully sleeping. His face went to pure shock and horror as he peered down at the empty bed. "(Y/N)'s gone missing!!! Sebastian! Ciel!" He quickly ran back downstairs to the Earl and his butler. "Come quick! Something horrible has happened!"

They quickly exchanged a glance and got up immediately fearing the worst. Their footsteps echoed down the hall and into the guest room. I silently watched from the vents and snickered. The plan was working beautifully. Sebastian immediately went to the window and looked out of it. Ciel and Claude desperately searched the room for clues as to who took her. It was no use, Isaac had her now.

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