▪ Chapter 6

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Three weeks has passed. You skipped school two weeks ago. You were depressed. It was all started with your classmates teasing you, mocking you and laugh at you. You were fine at first when suddenly the whole school knows, your teacher knows. They doesn't look you the same anymore. When you pass down the hall people laughed at you and when you passed down the teachers' office, they look at you in disgust.

'Why does it have to be me who accept this? I don't understand. I just got the wrong answer. Like anyone else never?'

Haneun finds out about it and told your parents. Thanks to her, your parents let you stay home to calm down. Jaehyun texted you everyday, asking you when are you coming back to school. But you're not ready.

"Y/N?" a voice called you from outside of your room.

"It's not locked" you said, loud enough for the person to hear. The door opens, revealling Haneun.

"Hey" She gives you a big smile as she jump on your bed.

"Hey" you let out a small smile.

"You just got home from school?" you asked.

"Yeah, wanna know a great news?" she asked excitedly.

"What is it?"

"People doesn't talk about you anymore!" she cheered.

"Really?" you asked, a little shocked.

"Yeah, there's this guy.. he's like uh I don't know, he looks rich. He told everyone that he will sue anyone that say bad things about you or spread hate to you. I thought people won't believe him but they do. Maybe he's really known by people or maybe people just scared" Haneun shrugged.

"Really? Who is he?" 'who is saving me? Is it Jaehyun? No way it can't-'

"Kai? Yeah he's known as Kai" Haneun answered.

"He's the same age as you though" she states.

"I never heard of his name" you said quietly but loud enough for Haneun to hear.

"He's new. He got in a few days after you stayed home" she spilled.


"Anyway, I'm going to take a shower. Bye!" the smiles, running outside.

"Who's Kai?" you asked yourself.


[ Do you know who's Kai? ]

[[ Wait, how do you know him? I don't remember telling you about him ]]

[ Oh god, Jaehyun. Because I don't know about him, I'm asking you and, my sister told me about him ]

[[ Oh, he's the guy I told, that staying in my house ]]

[ Really? I thought he's moving in next year? ]

[[ He got in early. Earlier than I've ever thought ]]

[ Is he, good? ]

[[ Nope. Annoying as hell! He thought he's the best and act like a trash with me at school! ]]

[ Oh, really? hahah ]

[[ And I still don't know why he backed up you even when he never see you or even know you ]]

[ Yeah.. ]

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