Who owns the wee fella?

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"She's gone too far this time Mammy , What next? Will I catch her trying on my knickers?". My cousin Erin moaned.

She caught my cousin Orla reading her diary and of course there was outrage.

"Don't say knickers in front of your father he can't cope" Auntie Mary yelled

"Ah he can cope" Erin scoffed

"Sure , what's a pair of knickers between two cousins?" Orla asked. There's a few parts not secure up in her brain

"Are you going home this weekend Ciara love" Auntie Mary asked me

"No auntie Mary , Galway races have just finished so their all pretty hungover , they'll probably be at the pub all weekend trying to cure themselves" I said

"Turning into a foster home this house with all the cousins coming and going" Uncle Gerry laughed ,clearly joking

"Don't you be getting cheeky with my granddaughter Gerry, we wouldn't want her to feel unwelcome for a second , she's more welcomed here than you are you git. Ciara stay as long as you like pet" Grandad shouted from his chair clearly only looking for a reason to rile up Uncle Gerry.

"Thanks Granda" I laughed giving him a kiss on the cheek and heading for the door. " come on Erin we'll be late"

Just as we were walking towards the door I saw Erin reach and put on her denim jacket.

"Here what are you playing at where's your blazer"

"I've decided to put put my own spin on the uniform this year"

"I'll spin you across that floor get your blazer on"

"Mammy I'm sorry I'm not wearing my blazer I'm expressing my individuality. End of story" I cringed as the last sentence left her lips

"Gerry pass me the wooden spoon"


"What's all this" Clare screeched looking at Erin in her uniform. " I thought we were being individuals this year"

"I wanted to Clare but my ma wouldn't let me" Erin sighed

"Well I'm not being individual on my own" Clare yelled yanking her denim jacket off making me scoff

"Way to hold yer ground girls"I said winking and walking in front of them with Orla.

"Come to the shop I wanna get sweets for me lunch" I said running into the corner shop

"You're not getting anything Clare?" Erin asked as she shoved her nose into the sweets

"I'm doing this fast for Ethiopia" Clare sighed

"For Christ sake Claire , what is with you and fucking Africa? And would you mind getting yer nose out of my pick n' mix" I yelled

"Will you's sponsor me?" Clare asked getting a piece of paper out of her bag

"How much?"

"2 pound" " 2 pound? Cop onto yourself Clare" I said looking at the girl

"What's  happening over there is really lousy Ciara , there this wee fella Kamal and ever morning he walks 25 miles to the nearest well."

"Does he just really enjoy wells , aye?" Orla asked making me laugh

"Are you sure kamal isn't exaggerating" Erin asked

"Stop slagging kamal , he doesn't have it easy now will you sponsor me or not!" Clare shouted

"Ugh fine" we all said giving her the money and walking out of the shop

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