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I'm going to reveal one of the top relationship-mistakes that most women make. And that is....

Asking a guy for reassurance about his feelings.

Why is this so problematic?

For one thing, it instantly makes your guy feel pressured. It also makes him feel like he's not meeting your expectations, like he's somehow falling short of being the man you want him to be.

This vibe is absolutely crushing for guys.

First off, it's important to note that asking for reassurance that he cares about you is useless because words are meaningless when it comes to men...what matters is actions.

A guy can tell you he loves you until he's blue in the face, but those words don't mean anything if he isn't acting like a man in love.

The surest way to know if he loves you and is committed to you is if he is happy when he's around you.

When it comes to relationships, men gravitate towards

that which will make their lives easier and more pleasant.

If they sense a woman will make their lives more

difficult, they won't want to commit to that woman.

As we've said many times before, men want to feel

like winners. They want to feel acknowledged, appreciated, strong, studly, and masculine.

When you harp on him, it creates the opposite effect

and he feels like a loser.

Many women get clingy if they feel the slightest silence or distance emanating from their man and place way too much significance on what it can possibly mean.

As a knee-jerk reaction, they try to get some reassurance out of  him. They may ask him things like:

"Why are you being so quiet?"

"Did I do something wrong?"

"I'm getting weird vibes from you, what's going on?"

"What are you thinking?"

"Why won't you talk to me?"

These questions may seem innocent to you, but to a

guy they are crushing and come across as nagging

and irritating.

The sexiest woman to any man is a woman who is

thoroughly happy being with him. When he feels that

accusatory energy coming from you, he will back away and will shut down further.

Plus, any answer he gives you to these questions is

meaningless. Men love through their actions and

demeanor, not through words.

If he's happy when he's with you, if his eyes light up

when he sees you, if he smiles when you're around, if he shows affection for you... he is committed to you.

It doesn't matter how many talks you have about the

relationship, or where things are going. What matters is the way he feels when he's with you, and how he shows you that he cares.

If you force him to talk about his feelings, he has less spaceto actually feel them.

Moving forward, do yourself and your relationship a huge favor by not tallying up the number of compliments and "I love yous."

Instead, look for ways that he shows his love and

express gratitude and appreciation for those little things he does.

Try to hone in on those areas because that's

where you'll really discover how he feels.

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