Luke's Kindness

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Clementine had trusted this new group rather quickly, but felt a quick attachment towards Luke. He proved to be a good man ever since the beginning, and Nick proved to be her second favorite, despite him almost shooting her upon first introduction. Sarah.. she was like a little girl. Clementine didn't like that about her. She felt as though she had to protect Sarah, but she also provided a bit of light into all of their lives. That innocence still existed.

Luke proved to be the greatest person in Clementine's opinion. They'd stayed in the cabin for a little while, Clementine having to share a room with Luke and Nick. She wasn't bothered, though. She would pull her hat off and set it on the floor, pull her hair ties out and set them down beside her beloved Dodger's hat, then would crawl into the covers.

She wasn't bothered that Luke and Nick shared a bed, nor by the snuggling they frequently did. It was the end of the world, and screw anybody who had the thought of being homophobic at this point.

Every night, for the time they spent there, Clementine would sleep peacefully in her new bed for the first time in a while.


One special night, Clementine found herself jolting upright from a nightmare. Lee. Why was it always Lee? She dreamt of him so much, about his warm smile and hugs. The way he used to call her 'sweet pea.'

But the nightmares she'd have were horrible. A nightmare about her first kill - the man who kidnapped her. She dreamt he'd murder her, or murder Lee right in front of her, and she was helpless.

And of course, she dreamt of Lee's final moments, when she shot him.

She remembered reaching over to grab his hand. She'd lifted the gun up, watching Lee's slanted eyes. She remembered shakily breathing out that she loved him, and the quiet, 'I love you too, sweet pea,' made her break down.

Clementine covered her mouth as the nightmare replayed in her head, pupils blown wide and eyes swiftly watering up. Lee meant everything to her, and she'd lost him too quickly, too soon.

A sob wrenched from her throat, and she heard somebody from the other bed jolt. Clementine didn't care. She didn't look over there.

Instead, she allowed herself to mourn over her dead father-figure, the strength of her sobs shaking her little body.

The last thing she expected was somebody to come over to her side. She was lifted into the air effortlessly by the culprit, then the person sat onto her bed, and she was placed into their lap.

She pressed her face against somebody's bare torso, sobbing her heart out.

"'S alright," A voice lathered with a southern accent mumbled.

"Lu- Lu-..!" She sobbed. He hushed her, pulling her petite body closer against his. "Jus' let it out, alright?"

Luke's right hand gently slid through her hair, the touch calming her down in the slightest.

"Shit.." Clementine registered Nick's quiet, sleep lathered voice. "Is she okay?"

"I don't know man.. Go get her some water, please."

Clementine listened to Nick get up and leave the bedroom. Still, she pressed herself against Luke, crying so hard she felt as though she'd puke.

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