Chapter 5

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~~Time Skip~~

"i got your picture,
  i'm going with ya,

You sang a the top of your longs as the car sped past a cornfield. Gerard chuckled and sang under his breath.

It has been about 3 hours since you hit the road in Gerard's, probably stolen, vintage camper bus.

It has been about 3 hours since you hit the road in Gerard's, probably stolen, vintage camper bus

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You sat in the passengers seat, singing along to All Time Low. You and Gerard had grown more comfortable with each other, but weren't the best of friends just yet.

The sun was just about to set, and you where in the middle of now where. You had stopped at a restaurant about half an hour ago, so food wasn't a problem. finding a place to sleep was.

Eventually, Gerard got too tires to drive,so we pulled into a open field. Even though i offered millions of times to drive, he always responded with; " no way am i letting you drive at night. sugar."

He allows me to take the larger, more comfortable seat on the far back, while he takes the middle one.

A couple of hours later, i lay awake. I couldn't fall asleep, it was cold and it was really bothering me. I sit up and check the time. 12:30 AM. ugh.

Gerard groans and gets up, mumbling to himself. I look at him, confused, as he climbs into the back seat and lays down next to me. "What are you doing?" i question, but he just shushes me and wraps an arm around my waist, preventing me from falling off.

" now go to sleep, please!" Gerard muffled voice says.

and i do just that.

~~The next Morning~~

I woke up with Gerard's arm wrapped around my waist, but it was obvious that he was awake.

Gerard sighs and tells himself to "snap out of it" and "she would never like you back"

I'm confused for a second, but then realize that he might have been talking about me. i slowly open my eyes and smile up at him, "Mornin'"

He smiles back and sits up, yawning. " well, better get going. we need to get there soon."

Gerard climbs into the drivers seat as i walk around the side of the bus and into the passenger's seat.

After another 4 hours of driving, we stop at a gas station. Gerard complains about a chocolate craving and goes to find a vending machine while i fill up the car's gas tank.

As i finish up paying, a police car rolls into the parking lot. he smiles at me, and i smile back, before remembering there is a hangry, wanted criminal not 50 ft away from him. SHIT.

I race inside and call out Gerard's name. no response. i rush outside and around the corner to where the vending machines where kept.

And sure enough Gerard was standing there, pistol in one hand and a snickers bar in the other. " Put. the.gun.down" orders the officer, pointing his gun at Gerard. " how 'bout no?" Gerard replies, raising his own gun.

I stop dead in my tracks, pebbles crunching under my boots. The noise was just loud enough to grab Gerard's attention and he looks over at me. His eyes widen a bit, which catches the attention of the cop. He turns to look at me, while pointing the gun. This was obviously a mistake, because as i stepped back a bit, panic spreading through my body; sarcastic, smug and playful Gerard turned into protective, i-will-murder-you-if-you-even-look-at-her, and scary Gerard. 

Gerard lunged at the Officer, who was about to start yelling at me, knocking him over. The officer's gun skidded out of reach and stopped at my feet. I slowly picked it up and studied it for a bit. Gerard had managed to knock the guy out, but it wouldn't be for long.

Gerard looked up at me, noticed the gun and then looked at me again. " let's go, before he wakes up." I nodded and walked over to the officer and grabbed his belt full of ammo. I strapped it to my waist and clicked the gun back into it's holster.

I looked up at a wide eyed Gerard, and said;

" Let's go, Gee"

I'm in love with a criminal? Criminal!Gerard Way X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now