Breakfast together + Fix things

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Beomgyu's P.O.V

The next day I woke up and found myself in Yeonjun's arms,I could say,I fitted perfectly in his arms.I looked at the window and it was raining,yep still raining,there was a big thunder which madd Yeonjun jump,I couldn't help but giggle silently.

Yeonjun-ah wake your ass up come on
What time is it? He yawned asleeep,he was so cute he looked so cute.
It's 7:23 am ,come on let's eat up and go to school. I said as I got up and made my way to the bathroom,when I came back I found him hugging the blanket,I laughed at his cuteness.
Ha ha ha so funny
It is😂😂😂 Hyung our handsome and cute Yeonjun is afraid of thunders,I can't wait to tell the others about that I teased him.
Don't you dare!!!! He said scared, So cute hyunng >_<
Let's eat,come on

-eating breakfast now-
Where are you parents? Are they gone yet?
Ah,nah they are sleeping they leave at 10:00 ,so ye—
My mother walked to the kitchen and saw us
Oh good morning sweetie,who's that friend of yours?
Oh mom he's new,his name is Yeonjun he is a Choi too.
Choi Yeonjun? Welcome to the family,be a good boyfriend to my son my mother said,making me spill my coffee on the floor.
Wtf mom??!! We are just friends! I said whispering,I didn't wanted to yell so early in the morning.
Yeyee of course she said and left
Sorry,my mom's always like that😓
It's okay that was cute,but maybe someday if you'd like I can be your boyfriend 😉
Hearing that my heart started to beat so fast but this time I managed to control myself Thanks but I am straight I said as I took a sip of my water,when I felt his arm wrapped around my shoulder
Don't worry darling,I know you have feelings for me too😉
Yah stop being like that,and eat pl-please da-mn i-it! I stuttered dunno why but yeah.

-fast forward-

Why don't you go and stay with Soobin,if you like him that much I said annoyed.
Oh can I? Alright then😏 I sighed and continued texting with Taehyun and Kai.

Where are you two?

I'm coming he's not

Aish HUENING KAI come now!!

I'm not feeling well
Oh yeah,of course you aren't

Hyung I'm serious,I've been in hospital yesterday

Alright then,we'll visit you after school.


Beomgyu🌰 is typing....
I was typing when someone called me...
Ryu? I answered the call, Ryu,what's up,why did you call me? I asked confused.
I miss you Gyu,I miss you so much she seemed like she was crying,she sounded like that,making me worried.
You crying?
N-no i-im n-not crying
You definitely are crying,where are you?
Outside your class,looking at you
I turned my head and saw her crying madly,I couldn't stand seeing her like that and I got up and was about to run outside but someone stopped me.
Beomgyu-ah? Where are you going?
Ah eh ammmm..... outside i pointed to the door.
Soobin turned his head to see her there,he was so annoyed and yelled at me. YOU STILL WANT TO GO AFTER HER???
I just nodded my head.
YOU AIN— Soobin was cut off by Yeonjun who punched the desk with all his strength.
You aren't going after her,okay!?
Wh-why not? I was aftraid because he now was so damn scary,I can tell that I could pee in my pants any moment.
Because I'm telling you not to! Got it?
What's wrong with you? You weren't present in our past,and maybe she really has changed now,so yeah I am going to give her a second chance! I said looking at Ryu who was now smiling and crying too.
You're not,going back to her!!! Yeonjun yelled at me.
And who are you to tell me what to do?!
He is YOUR Friend,Is the best for you!! She don't deserve you,NOT AT ALL! Soobin yelled.
I just sighed and then I felt someone hugging me Please Beomgyu-shi don't go after her,I'm begging you. I was shocked to hear that from Yeonjun but I decided to listen to him,don't ask me why,cuz I have no idea.

Why are you doig this? I can find my happiness again

You won't

How are you so sure?

Because she is not the right for you,Notice me Beomgyu-shi ,I -I like you.

A/N: Liked it you pervs? Don't worry I am a perv too,but its still early to do some dirty thu gs 😉Heheheehe,I wasn't expecting myself to post today,I'll probably will post tomorrow too since I got my day off😜

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