Tsuyu Kyubi X Gentle Hearted Reader

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hey guys..this is MYB-1228..anyways here is another request from Audennetannanda

You are classic yo kai from Heartful tribe. You are kind, gentle, generous, and compassionate. When there's a bad situation, you remain calm and take control of it till it is resolved.

 You are practical, down-to-earth with love of nature as shown that if you see the flower is messy like if they had been ruined, you'll became furious as you had little tears on your eyes and say something like a royal comment and order.  

You are caring and nurturing to others, however you must be careful not to neglect your own needs while giving to others. You are stable and well balanced or are striving for balance, in seeking for balance, you can at times became unsettled and anxious. You are intelligent and love to learn, you are quick to understand new concepts. You are loyal friend and faithful partner, gentle but not passionate. 

You have to be careful not to become complacent and self-righteous, forgetting about your own dreams and goals. You are good listener can view others problems with empathy, clarity, and a balanced analysis, seeing both sides while showing respect and caring. You are innocent and dense about love. You can be graceful at dancing, your power is Controlling flowers and could make people became calm and generous to one another.

 Your attire is kimono with flower pattern with flower Hair clip. Your favorite treat is candy, you didn't mind with other flavor but your favorite is mint and choco mint. You have human partner and yo kai friend of slippery tribe. You are good friend with Tsubaki-hime and tsuchinoko and also you could calm yo kai down.

Your human partner is polite, kind, and compassionate. They can be self-effecting, modest and patient. They may appear to be innocent and naive but they are actually quite streetwise and astute. 

They rather more of an observer as they can tell the difference of what you notice, as they also shown to notice keita's yo kai watch but keep it a secret till he met their yo kai friends. They had difficult to feel great passion as they need are for balance and peace, not action. They had yo kai watch prototype U in your favorite color as them, they still keep their two yo kai watch.

Your yo kai friend is viper snake like yo kai from slippery tribe. He is serious but well-mannered and modest. He respect classic yo kai and call them Senpai as he call you hime-senpai, unlike whisper, he does not show affection like he did. He had habit of using his tail to whip stuff as shown that when whisper about to show his respect affection to you when discover you are classic yo kai in his yo kai pad, he prevent it by slapping him with his tail. 

His tail can grew spike when he's furious, using his soultimate or threaten someone. His power is making people became serious as when they angry, they will give them cramps after struggle them like wrestling.

It was a normal day like no other.  you were at the park seeing the beautiful environment. you used your power to open up the flowers as the petals flow from the air as you twirled around. then suddenly you felt a raindrop fell from the sky and many more came down. then you realized it was raining. you use your power to control the flowers as it made an umbrella-like structure as you went home. but little did you know that you are being watched by someone as you turned your glance that no one was there as you continued running home.

" at last...i have found you.." it said. 

The next day

Keita and the others were walking around until they saw/Heard some sudden movements as they headed to the park.

"This must be work of a yo kai" said keita but whisper offend him.

 "no, no, i'm sure this is just what things always-" "i found it", as whisper fall flat on his face after (YHP/N) used their yo kai watch to identify yo kai as it was tsuyu kyubi.

 "Eh!? K-kyubi"said keita but (YHP/N) correct him.

 "no, he's not. He's different". 

Then inaho ask "then who is that yo kai that look like kyubi?"

 Whisper then search it while he said he could be 'blue kyubi' or 'kyubi in frog raincoat' as when he about to found his info.

"that's tsuyu kyubi" said (YYF/N), which make whisper feel offended "Horaaaaa!!". 

Then (YYF/N) explain his info, but only interrupted by whisper at the end of his info as whisper explain the effect what people saying.

 "Looks like you found me..And yes, it was me" said tsuyu kyubi, while they had a talk you return from the flower viewing.

 "sorry for the wait, did something happen?" you said 

"yeah, him" ( YHP/N) said.

you look where (YHP/N) point to.

 "I did this for my reason. And before i tell you guys my reason, that another boy/girl there, who do you talk t- huh!?" He suddenly stop after seeing you.

"you're!" he said a little surprised.

"eh?" Confuse when suddenly tsuyu kyubi heading toward you while everyone run to other side.

"w-what? What is-" then he grab your hand and kneel.

 "i finally found you!"  he said.

""eh?". (YHP/N) and (YYF/N) sweatdrop after seeing this,keita, whisper, jibanyan, and usapyon anime fall while inaho excitedly saying something like if this looks like how prince kneel to the princess.

You got confused by this as you asked him that why he was kneeling down.

" okay..i don't know what's going on but please explain yourself..." you said as he got up. as well for Keita, ( YHP/N ) and the others too as he explains everything to you and the others.

" and that is why i came looking for you..Y/N" he said which made them understand as he handed a water lily flower crown to you which you received it and put it on your head. you turned your glanced to the others.

" well?...how does it look?" you asked as they all said Beautiful in unison. as you gave Tsuyu Kyubi a kiss as he kisses back which made inaho Jumped and screamed out loud like a fangirl making the others covered their ears in pain as for you and tsuyu kyubi..you two didn't mind at all as the both of you shared the smile to each other. then tsuyu kyubi noticed that something felt wrong as he turned his glance to you and the others.

You and the others sweatdrop at (YYF/N) down state. 

"Um, did something happen while we're gone?" Ask (YHP/N), breaking the silence.

 "For some reason, my heart beating fast at some stuff for some reason" said (YYF/N) sorely. 

Then, (YHP/N) used their youkai watch, revealing dokidoki." It was dokidoki's doing, dani!" Exclaim usapyon.

 (YYF/N) then look at it, getting angry as irk mark appear, glare at it as dokidoki sweatdrop look away.

 "GET.OUT.OF HEREEEE!" As the spike came out of his tail, then swing at it full force, sending it flying.

 Everyone sweatdrop witness this, as (YYF/N) scoff turn back. 

"hmph! That little pot never learn, ain't it?" As everyone look at him. 

"you got such yo kai there" said tsuyu kyubi", 

"well that's how he is" you answered.

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