Chapter 3 Picked for stuff again

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Magnus pov

After the battle we went back to Valhalla for a war council. Yep that's right were at war with whatever attacked us. The gods had some ideas of what attacked us. One theory was "The Greeks are looking for a fight" I hoped that wasn't true. I didn't feel like fighting Annabeth. Another one was "The ghost of our past have come back to haunt us" no one believed that one. Finally Odin spoke up and said  "You're all wrong. It was Tartarus that attacked us." We all looked at him. Erik spoke up and said "who?" "Tartarus" Odin answered "An ancient evil" We all still looked at him confused. He sighed and said "Fine I'll tell you the story" he sat down and started talking. "Tartarus once terrorized the Greeks. He was relentless. Killing people just because he was bored. Until the Greek gods banished him to the depths of their underworld. He then moved on to the Romans. But he underestimated them. The Roman gods were more relentless than him and the restrained him down for another hundred years. Then he rose again in Egypt. The Egyptians requested our help and we helped banish him again he swore vengeance. A little while later he almost destroyed asgard when the Greeks,Romans,and Egyptians showed up and helped. And we finally banished him for good. Or so we thought. With the Titans and Gaea threatening the Greeks and Romans. Then the Egyptians had issues with Apophis. And now That Asgard has been destroyed we can be sure that he has risen." Everyone was quite for a long time. Then Erik spoke up "We must find them" it was then I almost killed TJ. He spoke up and said "We'll do it. Me Magnus,Halfborn,Mallory and Alex" Everyone looked at us and cheered. However I looked at TJ with burning anger. Well I guess I'm going on another adventure. See you later.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 02, 2019 ⏰

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