2. GaLe - Café

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"How many coffees?" Levy shouts. Currently, many workers are on break - meaning rush hour is in full swing.

"Two, large. One black and one filled with milk." Lucy responds as she swiftly walks back to the counter.

Levy places two large disposable portable cups under the coffee machine and presses the necessary buttons.

The short girl pulls both cups away from the machine and places lids on top of them. She carries them to the counter and calls out the names on each cup.

A girl walks over and takes the cups with a foul expression upon her face, "took you long enough," she states with a spiteful tone.

"Apologies but maybe if you came earlier, before the one hour where many workers are having their break, you would have avoided this." Levy replies, 'sweetly'.

The woman huffs before taking her coffees and leaving.

Levy strolls to over to her friend, Lucy, of who was working the shift with her.

"I'm happy I finally get to work a shift with you but you really are snarky aren't you, Lev?" Lucy laughs while wiping down the counter.

"Heh... Rude customers... They just... They just get under skin."


Levy giggles at her friends comment until being interrupted by a bell, indicating someone had entered the cafe.

The short girl turns her head towards the door to spot one of the regulars. He was a tall black haired man who often wore a shirt tie and trousers, meaning he was most like on break when he came. As well as this, he also came in at 1:05 on the dot on Mondays Wednesdays and Thursdays, these also happened to be Levy's shifts.

'I wonder... Does he come here on any other days?' Levy ponders.

"I've never seen him before. I'd remember if I did 'cause how on Earthland could you forget someone that tall!" Lucy jokes while tightening her ponytail.

"Well, I have. That's Gajeel. He usually gets a latte."

"Why do you know that, Levy~~!" Lucy teases, poking her arm with her index finger.

Levy shutters, "H-he's a regular! Nothing more!"

"Sure~! Just give him your number. Done."

"I don't have the confidence of you though!"

"Ha! So you do like him!"

Levy's face turns bright red, "shush Lu!" She then proceeds to run into the back to the sink and wash her face in hopes of reducing the redness, which it did.

"Hey uh..." 'Gajeel' starts, "can I get a—"

"Latte with extra expresso to make it stronger because expresso by itself it 'too bitter' but lattes are 'for pussies' because they're 'too weak'. Am I right?" Levy says as she walks out with the order, trying to look cool.

Gajeel laughs lightly, "yeah," he smirks.

Levy places the cup on the counter, "enjoy."

"Thanks, Shrimp." He grabs the cup and walks towards the door.

Levy clenches her fists, "it's Levy!"

"I know, Shrimp!" He calls across the cafe as he opens the door and walks out.

Levy laughs at his behaviour, although she is still annoyed with him for the 'Shrimp' comment.

"Damn Lev, you really do like him don't you?"

Levy sighs, "yeah..."

"You should've given him your number! I doubt he'd not want it, he really seems as if he's interested too!"

"Well, I don't think so but what's done is done."

"Hm? What do you mean?"

"I gave him my number."

Lucy stands still with a confused look on her face, "no, you didn't."

"Sadly I did."


"I wrote it on the cup."

Gajeel's P.O.V."Come on, Redfox, get down there and ask the girl out! You can do this!"

"You're right, Dragneel. I can do this!" Gajeel leaves the office and heads towards the cafe across the street.

He checks his watch, '1:05'.

'Right on time.' He thinks.

Reaching his hand forward, he pushes the door open, which sounds a bell.

Gajeel looks at the girls behind the counter. 'His' Shrimp and some blonde girl were working today.

As he walks towards the counter, Levy walks towards the back of the counter side of the cafe.

'Shit,' he thinks, 'how the fuck am I gonna ask her now?'

"Hey, uh, can I get a—"

"Latte with extra expresso to make it stronger because expresso by itself it 'too bitter' but lattes are 'for pussies' because they're 'too weak'. Am I right?" Levy says and walks over with a cup.

He laughs ever so slightly, "yeah," Gajeel answers, unsure how to respond but smirks anyway.

She places it on top of the counter, "enjoy."

"Thanks, Shrimp," he grasps the cup before turning and heading towards the door.

As Gajeel walks towards the door, he feels a sense of defeat, he didn't even get close to asking her!

Gajeel's plan was to build up the courage as she made the drink.

"It's Levy!" He hears an annoyed voice shout.

"I know, Shrimp," He calls across the cafe as he opens the door and walks out.

Cold air hits Gajeel's face as he walks across the street.

He pushes the door open to the office complex and heads towards his desk.

Gajeel sits down to see Natsu, the guy who's desk is next to his, taking the cup out of his hand.

"Ooo~~ so you did it, Redfox?"

"What'd ya mean? I pussied out."

"But isn't the girl you were trying to ask out called Levy?"

"Yeah, what about it, Match Stick?"

"Her number, it's on the cup."



Ta da~! I hope you enjoyed this one shot!

I'd love to add another part so if you'd like to read that, please let me know!

Bye bye~

Written: 11 July 2019
Published: 1st January 2020

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jan 01, 2020 ⏰

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