Chapter 3

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  'Won't you let me escort you two?'
'No dear, thanks anyway' Esther replied with a bang on the door.
Well, that was my life style. I never  wasted time in preaching, especially when it has to do with the sins of the flesh.
      Life continued for me, I did my duties in the church and in the house at the same time praying I gain admission into school.
      Early September came,  my parents and some of the leaders of the church including the pastors were to travel for an annual Convention in Ogun state. They left Monday morning of the first week and were to return Friday night. Before leaving, my parents advised me, telling me to take good care of the house and my brothers. That if I should go out with Deolu I make sure I return before eight in the night. I nodded in agreement to everything they said.
On Wednesday while cleaning the house Deolu called.
'Hello dear' I said smiling.
'Hi my dearest' he replied me. After our greeting he told me that the merit admission list has been released, that I should check my name and call him back. I did immediately after ending the call and screamed for joy when I saw my name under business and finance department.
'Oh my God! Oh my God!' I kept muttering while trying to dial Deolu's number. He picked on the first ring.
'You won't believe it! I shouted.
'Honey I believe it, God had done it, isn't it?
'Indeed he has, I can't wait to tell my parents, I can't wait to tell my friends I rattled uncontrollably.
'Calm down dear, calm down' I could hear the smile in his voice. 'why not tell your friends, then wait till your parents return on Friday then you surprise them.'
"Yes, that's a good idea'
'We are gonna celebrate this my Efe. When I get back from school I will come pick you and then we go out'
'Oh yes dear, I can't wait to see you' I squealed excitedly.
'Same here'. We ended our conversation and I called Ruth and also Esther who were so thrilled the hear my news. They each sounded genuinely happy despite the way we ended last time they visited. And I couldn't be  more happy for having a friend in them. They promised to visit on Sunday to celebrate with me.I couldn't wait for Deolu to come pick me and it was written all over my face. My brothers noticed my excitement and asked what was the cause. I found something to tell them not wanting them to break the news to my parents themselves.
Deolu came around four in the evening and took me to a new restaurant in town where we ate, talked and laughed. Around six we started for home. On getting to his junction Deolu asked me to his house to keep him company since he is the only one at home. Innocently I followed without thinking. Although what was there to be thought about we were both practicing Christian. We  got home and he brought malt and chin chin. This was the first time we would be spending time together. He  played a movie and we lapsed into a comfortable silence concentrating on the movie. Suddenly a kissing scene showed on the screen but we continued watching. This was not the first time I was watching a kissing scene. Suddenly I felt Deolu's hand on my face. I dropped the chin chin I was about to put in my mouth and looked at him. But before I could say anything  his lips  were on mine and he was.......seriously doing what two lips do together. I was so shocked that I could do nothing for seconds. This was the first time he was really kissing me. He usually kissed me on the cheek and forehead. Finally getting myself, I turned away from his lips looking at him questionably.
'Hey Efe! Its just a kiss' He said in a soft voice I have never really heard from him. Looking at me straight in the eyes he said.'Trust me'
He started kissing me again and this time around I kissed him back and I was really enjoying it. His kisses started to cuddling,  his hands started roaming my body. I squirmed a little trying to stop him but he held me firmly saying. 'Trust me' while kissing my neck. Even I myself didn't really have the power to stop him. How could I? This was my first time being kissed by a guy and I never knew such an enjoyment existed. I got lost in the moment trusting Deolu my boyfriend that I didn't know when he spilled his seeds on me.

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