So this kid

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               He got no bones, like fucking no bones, he was born and the doctor was like, bitch who the fuck did you let stick there crusty ass wenie in you like he's a pile of a human, an octopus wouldn't even go this far bitch like I could YEET him out the window and he'd just splat, I kid you not I could, even an octopus wouldn't stoop this low.

       And the mother replied " just put it back in". So they did. And it slipped out. I'll let your brain imagine that for a moment. It's fine I'll wait. Yep. Your thinking that. Totally your doing man. You could stop literally any time bro. Your still doing this? Jeez man you need some therapy like god. Why are still doing this to yourself? Are you like horny or something? This does not get me going. Alright times up buddy.

          So the mother named him Earnie, and he was a jello of a human, he could move, see, and talk but he kinda just sounded like a whale trying to sing like Godzilla. Yeah. Not pretty. So today is his first day of school! He jumps out of the car ready to make some new friends! Instead he just splats onto the asphalt road like yogurt on a kitchen tile. Only he isn't fruit sperm. He rolls onto the playground and he falls in the gutter, and that my friends, was the last day anyone saw Earnie.


you can't stay mad at me forever.


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⏰ Last updated: May 06, 2019 ⏰

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