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Note if for some reason you don't want to use your own name you can use the original name Jordan zaymore

(Y/N)-your name

(L/N)-last name

(A/H/C)- Anime hair colour (only used at the end of this book and book two)

(F/A/C)-favourite anime character

(C/N/N)-Childish nick name


It was an ordinary Sunday in Clunes, birds were chirping, sun shining, People were chatting and dogs were barking. A perfect day for being an otaku.

"-Might solve a mystery, or rewrite History, Duck Tails woo who" Two voices broke out, as a child around 4-ish, with short dirty blonde hair [sort-a like Jiro's] Standing at around 1m, smiling happily as she held onto her older sisters hand while jumping around, the older sister around 13 of age was also smiling happily as she moved her (brown/ginger/blonde) hair out of the way of her eyes which shined brightly once they caught sight of the old house looking shop poking out, in the windows you could see plushies, posters and pillows from all different anime and games. 

"C'mon slowpoke, I can't get you your precious 'Kirito-kun' if there are none left can I" the taller sister taunted tugging on the smaller one's hand, in which the smaller sister let out a squeak and rushed to the door. Ting ting ting . chimes went off signalling that a customer has entered

"welcome back (L/N) sisters, it's nice to see you again, are you here for the special order (Y/N)" a voice rang out through the shop, at first talking about both of them then sided off and was only talking to the older sister. 

"Hello Mr. Hoffman, nice to see you too, it's been a while since I was last here hasn't it? And yeah have they arrived yet?" the older sister, now known as '(Y/N) (L/N)' questioned.

 "yeah actually they have just yesterday mornin', you have quite good timing, as per normal and hey what's with that sudden respect now you haven't called me 'Mr. Hoffman' in ages why are you calling me that now" 'Mr. Hoffman' spoke at first in an normal tone but then it changed to a teasing tone by the end of it.

 "oh noo reason I just uh, forgot your name for a second uh umm" 

"Shane" 'Mr. Hoffman' broke in, shattering (Y/N)'s chain of thought "shanzie yeah" she replied snapping her fingers with her left hand while patting her sisters head with the other.

 "Well any way I will go get you the uh special order while you can look around the shop" Shane said while walking towards a door that said 'don't come in if you're not an Hoffman'. The two sisters took his advice and looked around. 

"sis, sis, come come I find Ki-to, Ki-to, KI-TO" "calm down Dahli, you don't have to yell, I'm right here not in china, ya goof"[sorry if I offend anyone ] uttered (Y/N), slowly walking over to the trouble maker herself, Dahli. Who was currently holding a stuffed Kirito about the size of cushion. "Can I have this one sis, can I, can I" Dahli questioned, jumping up and down waiting for (Y/N)'s response.

 " Hmm let me check the price little one" bending down (Y/N) took the plushy out of her sisters hold and checked for the price '$ 11.49' "ahh, what the heck sure".

(Y/N)'s POV

After that little fiasco I decided to go back to the clothes section 'because that's where all the comfy hoodies are, why not? Walking over to the hoodies I saw a particular one that caught my attention. Pulling it out of the shelf I took a good look at it. It had black sleeves, blue around the wrists, grey shoulders with three small black dots, plain black hood and a big ORANGE cross reaching the pockets. I started shaking once I realized what it was, Shakily I turned it over just in case there was something on the back, my suspicions were confirmed. 

There on the back was a picture of a certain hot headed blond who's hero suit this hoodie was based off, and on the bottom there was the my hero academia logo in all its glory.

Shuffling around I quickly looked for a price tag and to my luck it was on special, only $13, "score" I yelled out, startling dahli who was just about to tug on my hoodie. "(C/N/N), (C/N/N), Mr. Hoffman is waiting for you, hurry uuuuupppp" she droned pulling me to the register. Sighing I just followed her to where shanzie was indeed waiting, two packages in hand.

Waving at him, hoodie still in hand I laughed catching his attention "sorry, sorry, Shanzie didn't mean to make you wait"

 "Don't worry about it (Y/N), it's no problem at all, anyway I got what you wanted, a custom made bag, it should be what you asked for and a new bnha chibi wallet, ready for your taking" he said pushing the two boxes your way.

Placing down the hoodie and plushy you gave shanzie a big smile "I can't thank you enough for getting these for me, really thanks a lot" scanning the two items Mr. Hoffman smiled back. 

"Don't worry about it (Y/N), I mean you're one of the biggest customers here anyway, it's no problem, oh and that'll be $24.50 since you already paid for these two" putting his hand on the two boxes before him, "alrighty then here you go" passing him the correct amount of money you smiled one more time "see you later" grabbing your stuff you left the shop, sister in hand.

~~~~Small Time Skip~~~~~

Author's POV

Arriving at home you said hi to your dad, then went straight to your room which was just bigger than a closet. Jumping on the bed you dumped your 'treasures' on the blankets. Grabbing the bigger box you opened it, quickly fetching out the bag which was in it. It amazed you how much it was to the design you gave Mr. Hoffman. It was perfect.

The wallet was the same, nothing but perfection. It was a bnha themed wallet every character was chibi though, and it looked as though they were walking around the wallet or even standing on the logo. It was incredible. Opening the wallet you went to transfer your ID's and money and shit when a slip on paper fell out. After transferring you put the wallet down and picked the slip of paper up, it was a nine to ten digit number with E.K written under it, 'A phone number' you realized. 'E.K must be the initials' you thought, thinking it though you decided to text the mystery number 'cause YOLO.

Entering the number into your phone you sent a casual 'I am a normal human worm baby living on the dirt planet' at 2:15 pm not knowing that this one text could change your life.

Authors Note

Hey thanks for reading the Prologue it really means a lot to me and sorry for the bad punctuation I am horrible at English, but any way I will be trying to get at least 300 words per chapter. See you on the next chapter bye bye

1106-Words not including A/N

1207-Words with A/N


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