Takamizawa Arisa

231 6 0

Profile: In middle school, Arisa was shown to be somewhat submissive until the bullying incident, going along with what the rest of the class says or does even if she was uncomfortable with it.
She's a very courageous and outgoing girl following the incident. She's willing to stick up for her friends, offers them her protection, and also tries to talk with them more. She still has problems with communicating though, given that she feels insecure about the incident and she hates the feeling of being alone.

Siblings: ???

Song Focus: Assertion of the Heart, Mean Encounter (non-singing), Saucy Honey (non-singing)

Birthday: February 3 (Aquarius)

Blood Type: B

Height: 150 cm (4'9")

Crush: Shibasaki Ken

Voiced by: Nao Tōyama

Voiced by: Nao Tōyama

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