Claws and Fangs

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It hurts...


Everything hurts so bad...


His arms hurt...


His legs hurt...

His stomach...

His head...


Everything hurts...

It was like his body was being set on fire. He could feel the scorching heat melting away his bones and his inside. It hurts so much, he wanted it to stop.


That's right...Ryuu...

Where is he?

He can make it stop.

He knows how to make the pain go away.

Where is he?

Where is Ryuunosuke?



Golden eyes snapped wide open, irises shrunk in the blinding light temporarily before rounding again. The silver-haired youth's entire body was trembling as he shakily let out a breath escaped his quivering lips.

It's hot!

It burns!

His body felt like it's on fire!

Atsushi looked down, his eyes widening when he saw the silver chains bounding his body. The skin that came into contact with the chains was rapidly being burned away, then quickly regenerate, only to be disintegrated again. There were long and thin silver rods impaled through his legs and arms. It looked like it had been hammered through his body. Atsushi didn't need to be a doctor to know his bones have been shattered from the force. There was even a larger rod going right through his stomach and spine, disconnecting his vertebrae from his pelvis.

"Aaah!" Atsushi cried out, shutting his eyes as if that could block out the pain. What happened? How did this happen? Atsushi tried to think, but the pain was so overwhelming that he couldn't.

"Hey, kid! Don't you dare go fainting again!" A familiar angry voice yelled.

Atsushi gasped as he weakly opened his eyes and looked up to where the source of the voice is coming from. When he did, his eyes dilated into slits as he stared at the horrifying form of his mentor.

The orange haired man was matted in blood from head to toe. He was bounded to a torture chair filled with long silver spikes that mercilessly pierce holes through his petite body. Smoke was constantly rising out of the redhead's body, followed by the light sizzling sound of flesh being burned away.

But that wasn't what scared Atsushi the most. What scared him was the sight of his mentor's stomach. His gut has been opened up by silver wires, exposing his organs to the open air. From such a low angle, Atashi could see every single organ within the older male, even the ones within his ribcage. He could see the way those lungs shrunk and expand when the man breathe. He could see the heart, beating steadily despite the pain the orange haired man was in. When the older male gritted his teeth to hold back a wince, Atsushi could see how all of his organs tightened up and quivered, despite there barely being any reaction from the rest of the body.


"What's with that pathetic look on your face?" Chuuya huffed. His expressions were carefully controlled. If not for the state he's in, Atsushi wouldn't even believe he's in any form of pain.

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