Chapter 6

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March 18, 2018

Well, shit. This is not going to go in our favor.

The killer of Victor and Darius now stood in front of them, and they couldn't do anything without a sniper spilling their brains out on the cheap carpet. Now, Fenrir was in the middle point between pissed off and furious.

Redd was grinning, his arms wide as he looked over the team. "You can just walk away, you know. But I know your type. You want justice for these dead mammals. Even if they were criminals."

The wolf glared at him, saying nothing as the fox too stared back at him.

Before anyone could react, Asher had made his move. One devestating punch, to the side of the fox's face, sent Redd reeling, leaving him several meters away, sprawled on the ground.

Fenrir waited for a shot, but nothing happened as the fox began to get back up. He could see the fox had some inhaler device in his hand, clear with a red liquid inside.

Redd pushed it up to his muzzle, pressing down and letting the liquid go inside his mouth. He had closed his eyes, sighing in some sort of relief.

Asher threw his left arm forward for a knockout punch, but his face reared in shock as the fox caught it in an instant.

When Redd opened his eyes, they were dark red, like days old blood. He face contorted in some sort of insane smile.

"MY turn."

Redd lunged foward, flinging Asher into a wall with a heavy bang. Asher grunted in pain, bringing up his arm as Redd punched at him. Blocking the punch, the coyote rammed a leg towards the fox's chest, but his leg was grabbed and forced him down on the ground.

Fenrir attempted to run to the coyote's aid, but a shot that hit the ground forced him to watch in horror.

Redd still kept that ghastly grin as the wrestled Asher down. "Tell me, do you really think that doing this will get you any awards? A promotion? Your organization will hide this all away! You should have just wal-"

But Redd's monologue was interrupted by a high voltage set of barbs going into his back, courtesy of Rocket Raccoon. The raccoon yelled in fury as the electricity in the air became charged. Fenrir had to give him props, he knew when to take advantage of the right moment.

The attack was ruined when a shot suddenly hit a vital part of the gun, slowing it down as the raccoon swore at the unseen sniper. But that shot gave Redd the chance to rip the barbs out with a strong slash of his claws, before Turing his attention to the new threat.

Rocket yelped as the fox flung himself toward the raccoon, barely having time to do anything before Redd had gripped Rockets neck.

Redd began to choke the life of the raccoon, his eyes stared at Rocket with an angered intensity. His voice came out in a mumbling sense of pure anger. "That Hurt."

Redd was interrupted again as Asher had gotten back up, and grappled the fox back towards the large windows. Rocket fell with a loud thump, gasping for breath. Sam and Fenrir grabbed him, pulling him into cover as the fight went on.

Redd look disoriented as the fight went on, yet it seemed every hit the fox took did nothing. Until Asher realized he had to use one last thing.


it was highly experimental. It might wreck his arm. But he had to try.

Pulling his left arm back, it started to glow like it was heating up with high intensity. The servos began to relax before locked together in the most devastating combination.

With a yell, Asher let loose his fist into the fox's chest. Unlike the last hits, this had an impact, flinging him across the room... and out the window.

Redd Ishi fell 8 floors down, right onto the decayed concrete.

The team was exhausted as they took it all in. They found their murderer, and now he was dead.

Asher sighed. Stuff like this could never be easy, could it?

He regrouped with the team, Fenrir and Sam were next to Rocket, who was taking a wrench to his ruined gun.

"God damnit!" He threw the wrench down on the ground and grumbled as he left the gun on the ground.

Asher knelt down with the hurt raccoon. "You good?"

Rocket sighed. "Yeah. The fucking guy cut my neck with his claws but I can breathe. I'm fin-"

The raccoon was cut off as the coyote had gently dragged his fingers around his neck, checking for any bad cuts. Rocket blushed as Asher looked at his possible injuries with concern. Asher didn't notice the raccoons discomfort as he was checked over.

Asher smiled and patted Rocket on the back. "You're good. Nothing too bad." He left the raccoon to his own devices as Asher walked to Fenrir.

Fenrir grimaced as the coyote made his way over. Even if he didn't say anything, it was obvious the coyote was hurt.

"How the hell are we supposed to call this in?" Fenrir waited for the coyote to respond, but was cut off by a worried voice over by the windows.

"Guys?" Rocket looked worried as he stood at the edge of the broken window, looked down to the street.

The team went over to the window, then saw the reason for the raccoon's concern.

"Where did his body go?"

It was the waiting that Reynard hating. Waiting for his brother to come back was pure agony. Not because he knew the fox might not come back. But What will come back.

The moment the fox flew out of the window, he had packed up the bare remains of his snipers nest on the opposite building, then heading back to the black van that had transported them to the site.

It had been an hour since the fox flew out, his body hitting the ground with a loud crack. Reynard has hating seeing that. But it was natural now, seeing his brother die yet survive again and again.

And he hated it.

Suddenly he heard the lock on the back open, and in came Redd, his turtleneck stained with blood and his back with small nicks from the raccoons gun.

Reynard has been tempted to shoot the raccoon in the head. But Redds mantra before the fight led to him shooting the gun instead. The orders he kept in mind as he never directly harmed the team.

They must not be harmed.

Direct orders from the White Lion. Orders that were meant to be followed fully. And not deviated at all.

Redd grumbled as he took off his ruined shirt. "Another ruined shirt."

Reynard chuckled as he began to start the van. "Be glad you own hundreds of these."

Soon they had made their way out into the main part of Chicago, blending into local traffic.

They had made their escape. But things are never simple for both sides of the coin.

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