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There she was standing in front of me with nothing except a giant bouquet of flowers, the sweetest thing she's done since Valentine's Day. The bouquet filled with my favorite flowers, all sorts of colors. A truly mesmerizing sight. She wasn't even wearing her usual clothes. She was actually wearing a dress, a beautiful lavender color, it went so well with her.

I walled closer wanting to hug her, feel her in my arms. As I got closer I could hear a weird melody but I paid no mind to it. All I want to do is hold her. Tell her that I love her. To give her all of my love. I was so close to doing that when the melody started to sound familiar and louder with every step. When I was about ten feet away from her it stopped and I stopped. I was confused so I just looked at her, looked at in hopes that she knew what was going on. She didn't look bothered by it so why was I going to be.

I continued to walk, just a few steps and I can touch her, just a bit more, but just then the melody started again and loud. I was worried this meant something and tried to hurry but couldn't take how loud the melody was. I fell to the ground covering my ears hoping it would go away, tears starting to form in my eyes. I couldn't take it.

As I was giving up on trying to block out the melody I felt a hand on my shoulder. It was so loud I didn't even hear her walk over here. It was still so loud and the tears were now falling. I looked up to look at her face, stunning as always, and she was trying to tell me something. With the melody being so loud I could only try and figure out what she was saying.

I was starting to give up because it was too much, I couldn't understand. Shaking my head as to signal that I couldn't understand she grabbed my face with her two hands. Two hands soft as can be gently holding my head making me forget about the stupid melody and focus an her and only her. She whispered softly, "wake up. " Her sweet soft voice... What?

As I came to be I realized the melody I was hearing was my phone and I was dreaming the whole thing. As I laid there trying to remember what was I exactly dreaming about I heard my phone start with the melody. A specific melody that could only belong to one person. As quickly as I could I sat up, cleared my throat, and answered.

"Star? " was the first thing I heard. She was whispering, I guess trying to do it for my sake.

"Danny? What's wrong? " I asked. "Where are you? Are you okay? " The only reason why she would call me at this unholy hour is if she needed help or something.

"I'm fine don't worry about it. Just, " she paused thinking. She always paused when talking to get her thoughts together it quite adorable. "Just remember when I went to your place yesterday and I spent too much time in your room alone? "

"Yeah it was wired when you asked me to leave but I trust you so no big deal, and luckily you didn't take or move anything, " I reassured her. She is always like this and to be honest I wouldn't mind having to deal with that for the rest of my life. She just so pure but pure in an almost evil kind of way. You get me?

"Yeah, I didn't but I did leave something there for you, " she said as if worried I would be worried about her leaving something in here. I just smiled at how adorable she could be "Just find it and send me a picture of it, okay? " Before I could answer she continued talking, "Um, I have to go. Send me the picture before you do anything okay? Love you. Bye. " She hung up.

"Okay, " I whispered to the ghost of her on the phone. I sit there processing what had happened just now.

She wants me to look for something in my room at, I look at my phone, at 1:46 am. She's is absolutely crazy for thinking that I'm going to do this. I can't possibly to this when my mom, dad, and brothers are sleeping. I'll make too much noise, I'll wake them up then I'll get get in trouble and then my parents are going to take away my phone then they'll look through my phone then they'll find out then I'll be in trouble then they won't want to be near me or even talk to me. I'm going to be a failure for everyone.


Me: *1 attachment* Is this it?

I gave in. The only bad thing that happened is Jake coming and telling me to shut up because it was 'too early for this crap', he really is annoying at time and at times he's reasonable. He's still an idiot. And where did I find it, under my bed in my box. She put it in my box, she saw what was in my box, she saw in my box. I feel violated. Damn.

Ten minutes. I've been on read for ten minutes. First, she goes into my box to place a letter ther. Next, she calls me and tells me to look for something that ends up being an envelope. Then, I find it and she left me at read. I'm going to kill her when I see her again. I'm going to smother her under my darn pill-

My phone made a chicken noise. I open it up and there it is, the moment. She finally answered my darn text.

Dashing Donut: YES!!!
Dashing Donut: Now open it and once done call me
Dashing Donut: Ok

Three. Three text for a fifteen minute wait. All this for a stupid envelope with some paper in side.

Me: Ok
Me: Wired but ok

I start opening the envelope and take out a pull out a small piece of paper.

I'm done.

Great start
I- I don't know
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⏰ Last updated: Jul 18, 2019 ⏰

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