Chapter four

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The only reason I did not feel him is because my boyfriend game was good.

The guy was a weirdo. I found him very creepy. This one time after church during the week, I went to see me actuall boyfriend. The guy was stalking me. As I was with my boyfriend the guy called me, luckily my phone is always on mute so I did not hear it ring. When I got home he called me again and asked me where I was coming from and with whom I was with.
I lied to him and he told me he had a vision #coughstwice.
Me: what was in your vision
Him: I saw you with another guy walking home after church.
Me: No I doubt you saw me.
Guy gave me full details, now I knew that was not a vision but rather he had been following me.
-as for church (you know how they say most sinners are found in church?) That I will not disagree with.

Things started going South for real, he would post other girls on Facebook that time I thought I was his only one. We would fight (bare in mind I have a boyfriend of 2 years on the other side). I remembered Mum Linda's words. I told him about it.
Me: I guess mum Linda was right when she told me not to jump into the relationship head on and when she told me not to date you.
Him: ow so now she's God. You worship her now?
We then started fighting, day in day out. We stayed together for weeks and weeks while fighting. We started cursing the day we set eyes on each other. Mind you he had family issues and he would tell me all about that, he's mother passed away when he was very young and his dead was to blame "apparently". He used to about both of them before she died. There was just so much drama, he once even sent me a picture of his mother. Ohh Lord!!! The poor boy had been through a lot. Honestly, my intentions werent to hurt him but it happened.

Winter was over. I stopped seeing mum Linda. We would now call and text each other. I found myself talking about the boy during the call and she added two and two together.
One time she asked me how he was doing. Sigh!
He cant keep my mouth shut now can I ?!

It was summer, had to write my summer exams. Stopped talking to mum Linda, as she also lost her phone.

After exams I called her and we stayed in contact again. We cought up on what had been happening since we last spoke.
Mind you mum Linda worked at the university I just did not know what she was doing there.

The guy was studying at the institution she was working. He later called me after he discovered what she was doing there. He told me she was a cleaner.
Him : " the lady to praise too much is a cleaner here. What you gotta say about that?!"
Me : "What do you want me to say? At least she's working. Where's the fault there?"
Him : "I was just letting you know!"
I asked myself if this guy wanted me to stop talking to her because she was a cleaner. It's not like she lied to me or anything. She just never told me what she was doing there.

Anyways, we eventually stopped talking with the guy. I deleted his contacts and life moved on.

As for mum Linda, well we stopped talking too. Stopped meeting up as well.
Our relationship died too.

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