Author's Note

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Hi peeps! This story is my ever first fantasy type of genre story... It's only a one-shot story so please give this story a chance... Even just a one glimpse, hehehe... Hope you'll like this. I tried my best for this even if it's a bit corny, nyahahahahaaha...

This is only an imagination of the author. If there are persons, things, and anything else that may resemble in real life are purely coincidence. Don't plagiarise! It's a crime. Please just respect, hihi...

I'm also warning po that this story may contain wrong grammars and typos, I'm sorry for that cause I didn't checked this story yet.

Feel free to read this. Comments and suggestions are okay with me for better writing but bad comments are not allowed. If you don't like this story, just ignore this, hihi. Hope you'll understand!

Thanks in advance for giving your time and effort to read this story. ^_^

Thank you, super. Mwuaappsss

ConcealedScribbler 😘

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